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当前位置:首页 单词大全 stop

  1. 停止,停下来
  2. 阻止,阻拦,阻挡
  3. 堵塞,塞住,堵住
  4. 止付,停付;扣除
  5. 停留,逗留
  6. 踌躇
  7. 停下来(做别的事)
  8. 中止,止住
  9. 填塞,盖
  10. 截断,断绝,中断
  11. 歇宿;暂住
  12. 过访
  13. 妨碍
  14. 扣留
  15. 用手指压(乐器的孔、弦)
  1. 逗留,停留
  2. 停止,终止
  3. 歇宿
  4. 音栓
  5. 中止
  6. 停车
  7. 车站,停车站
  8. 标点,句号
  9. 塞住
  10. 阻碍
  11. 【摄】光圈
  12. 【语】塞音
  13. 琴柱
  14. 停留处
  15. 飞机场
  16. 阻塞(物)
  1. vt. & vi. 停止,中断 cease moving; break off
  2. vt. 塞住,堵塞 fill or close sth by plugging or obstructing; block sth
  3. vt. 阻止,阻挠 prevent sb from doing sth or sth from happening
  4. vt. & vi. 逗留,停留,歇宿 stay; stop one's journey
  1. [C] 停止,中止; 停留,逗留 act of stopping or state of being stopped
  2. [C] 停车站 place where a bus, train, etc. stops regularly
  3. [C] 标点符号,句号 punctuation, especially a full stop
  1. the event of something ending;

    "it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill"

  2. the act of stopping something;

    "the third baseman made some remarkable stops"
    "his stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood"

  3. a brief stay in the course of a journey;

    "they made a stopover to visit their friends"

  4. the state of inactivity following an interruption;

    "the negotiations were in arrest"
    "held them in check"
    "during the halt he got some lunch"
    "the momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow"
    "he spent the entire stop in his seat"

  5. a spot where something halts or pauses;

    "his next stop is Atlanta"

  6. a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it;

    "his stop consonants are too aspirated"

  7. a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations;

    "in England they call a period a stop"

  8. (music) a knob on an organ that is pulled to change the sound quality from the organ pipes;

    "the organist pulled out all the stops"

  9. a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens;

    "the new cameras adjust the diaphragm automatically"

  10. a restraint that checks the motion of something;

    "he used a book as a stop to hold the door open"

  11. an obstruction in a pipe or tube;

    "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe"

  1. come to a halt, stop moving;

    "the car stopped"
    "She stopped in front of a store window"

  2. put an end to a state or an activity;

    "Quit teasing your little brother"

  3. stop from happening or developing;

    "Block his election"
    "Halt the process"

  4. interrupt a trip;

    "we stopped at Aunt Mary's house"
    "they stopped for three days in Florence"

  5. cause to stop;

    "stop a car"
    "stop the thief"

  6. prevent completion;

    "stop the project"
    "break off the negotiations"

  7. hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of;

    "Arrest the downward trend"
    "Check the growth of communism in South East Asia"
    "Contain the rebel movement"
    "Turn back the tide of communism"

  8. seize on its way;

    "The fighter plane was ordered to intercept an aircraft that had entered the country's airspace"

  9. have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical;

    "the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed"
    "Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other"
    "My property ends by the bushes"
    "The symphony ends in a pianissimo"

  10. render unsuitable for passage;

    "block the way"
    "barricade the streets"
    "stop the busy road"

  11. stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments;

    "Hold on a moment!"

If you have been doing something and then youstop doing it, you no longer do it.

e.g. stop throwing those stones!...
e.g. He can'tstop thinking about it...

If youstop something happening, you prevent it from happening or prevent it from continuing.

e.g. He proposed a new diplomatic initiative to try tostop the war...
e.g. If the fire isn't stopped, it could spread to 25,000 acres...
如果大火不被扑灭,它可能会蔓延 2.5 万英亩。

If an activity or processstops, it is no longer happening.

e.g. The rain had stopped and a star or two was visible over the mountains...
e.g. The system overheated and filming had tostop...

If something such as machinestops oris stopped, it is no longer moving or working.

e.g. The clock had stopped at 2.12 a.m...
钟在凌晨 2 点 12 分时停了。
e.g. His heart stopped three times...
他的心脏曾 3 次停止跳动。

When a moving person or vehiclestops oris stopped, they no longer move and they remain in the same place.

e.g. The car failed tostop at an army checkpoint...
e.g. He stopped and let her catch up with him...

If something that is moving comesto a stop or is broughtto a stop, it slows down and no longer moves.


e.g. People often wrongly open doors before the train has come to astop...
e.g. He slowed the car almost to astop.

If someone does notstop to think orto explain, they continue with what they are doing without taking any time to think about or explain it.

e.g. She doesn'tstop to think about what she's saying...
e.g. There is something rather strange about all this if one stops to consider it...

When an action comes to an end orstops, you can say that someonestops doing it.She stopped reading and closed the book. However, if you say that someonestops to do something, you mean that they interrupt their movement or another activity in order to do that thing. The 'to' infinitive indicates purpose.I stopped to read the notices on the bulletin board.
stops doing 表示停止做某事,如:She stopped reading and closed the book (她停止阅读,合上了书)。而 stops to do 则表示中断现在的行动或活动去做另一件事,to 引导的不定式表示目的,如:I stopped to read the notices on the bulletin board (我停下来去读布告栏上的通知)。

If you say that a quality or statestops somewhere, you mean that it exists or is true up to that point, but no further.

e.g. The cafe owner has put up the required 'no smoking' signs, but thinks his responsibility stops there...
e.g. The good news did notstop there...

Astop is a place where buses or trains regularly stop so that people can get on and off.


e.g. There was an Underground map above one of the windows and I counted the stops to West Hampstead...
e.g. They waited at a busstop.

If youstop somewhere on a journey, you stay there for a short while.

e.g. He insisted westop at a small restaurant just outside of Atlanta...
e.g. It would be a crime to travel all the way to Australia and notstop in Sydney.

Astop is a time or place at which you stop during a journey.


e.g. The laststop in Mr Cook's lengthy tour was Paris...
e.g. Mack was driving down from Vermont, with astop in Boston to pick Sarah up.

In music, organstops are the knobs at the side of the organ, which you pull or push in order to control the type of sound that comes out of the pipes.

If you say that someone willstop at nothing to get something, you are emphasizing that they are willing to do things that are extreme, wrong, or dangerous in order to get it.

e.g. Their motive is money, and they willstop at nothing to get it.

If youpull out all the stops, you do everything you can to make something happen or succeed.

e.g. New Zealand police vowed yesterday to pull out all the stops to find the killer.

If youput a stop to something that you do not like or approve of, you prevent it from happening or continuing.

e.g. His daughter should have stood up and put astop to all these rumours.

If you say that someone does notknow when to stop, you mean that they do not control their own behaviour very well and so they often annoy or upset other people.


e.g. Like many politicians before him, Mr Bentley did not know when tostop...
e.g. You should know when tostop asking questions.

17. tostop dead -> see dead
tostop short of -> see short
tostop someone in their tracks -> see track

相关词组:stop bystop offstop up

1. 关闭:open方法另一个作用是如果驱动程序做为一个模块被装入,则要防止模块卸载时设备处于打开状态. 在open方法里要调用MOD_INC_USE_COUNT宏. 2.2.3 关闭(stop)

2.stop:swab test on premises; 现场拭子检测方法

3.stop:strategy targeting organized piracy; 打击有组织盗版战略

4.stop:selective tubal occlusion procedure; 选择性输卵管闭合处理


5.stop:surgical termination of early pregnancy; 人工流产术









