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当前位置:首页 单词大全 suffic...

  1. 足量
  2. 自负
  3. 充足
  4. 充分
  5. 满足
  6. 充分的财力或数量
  7. 资格
  8. 够用
  9. 充分性
  10. 足够
  11. 足够的资力
  1. sufficient resources to provide comfort and meet obligations;

    "her father questioned the young suitor's sufficiency"

  2. an adequate quantity; a quantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose;

    "enough is as good as a feast"
    "there is more than a sufficiency of lawyers in this country"

  3. the quality of being sufficient for the end in view;

    "he questioned the sufficiency of human intelligence"

sufficiency of something is enough of that thing to achieve a purpose or to fulfil a need.

e.g. When foods from different plant sources are eaten together, deficiency in one is compensated for bysufficiency in another...
e.g. There's asufficiency of drama in these lives to sustain your interest.

1. sufficiency的近义词

1. 充分性:除了新的统计方法,费雪也将先前的变异数分析研究进行补强与修饰,因而发明出最大似然估计,并发展出充分性(sufficiency)、辅助统计、费雪线性判别(Fisher's linear discriminator)与费雪资讯(Fisher information)等统计概念.

2. 充足,足量:suction unit 吸引器 |sufficiency 充足,足量 | sugar 糖


3. 充份性:successive differentiation 逐次微分法 |sufficiency 充份性 | sufficient and necessary condition 充要条件

4. 充足:suffice 满足 |sufficiency 充足 | Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof 当时的烦恼就够多了







