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当前位置:首页 单词大全 surviv...

  1. 幸存,幸存者,幸存物
  2. 生存,存活,生死存亡
  3. 残存,残余,残存物,残存者
  4. 遗风
  5. 遗物
  6. 成活(植株)
  7. 遗存
  8. 延续
  9. 贪图活命
  10. 生命的保障
  11. 救生(措施)
  12. 适者生存
  1. [U] 幸存; 生存 the fact or likelihood of surviving
  2. [C] 残存的人〔物〕; 遗物; 遗风 person, thing, custom, belief, etc. that has survived from an earlier time
  1. a state of surviving; remaining alive

  2. a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment

  3. something that survives

If you refer to thesurvival of something or someone, you mean that they manage to continue or exist in spite of difficult circumstances.

e.g. ...companies which have been struggling forsurvival in the advancing recession...
e.g. Ask for the free booklet 'Debt: asurvival Guide'.

If you refer to thesurvival of a person or living thing, you mean that they live through a dangerous situation in which it was possible that they might die.

e.g. If cancers are spotted early there's a high chance ofsurvival...
e.g. An animal's sense of smell is still crucial to itssurvival.

You can usethe survival of the fittest to refer to a situation in which only the strongest people or things continue to live or be successful, while the others die or fail.

1. survival的解释

1. 生存分析:第六节 多个独立样本非参数检验(K Independent Samples Test) 第七节 两相关样本的非参数检验(2 Related Samples Test) 第八节 多个相关样本的非参数检验(K Related Samples Test)第十四章 生存分析(survival) 第一节 寿命表法

2. 生存模式:首先按计时战斗 选生存 用笛子大魔王(绿色的那个人) 把全部人打死 最后一个是人造人桃伯伯 打死了就行了 我是说真话哦 生存模式打完就行了 <survival)>>你说的是哪个最后一页第几行?






