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  1. 【音】继续演奏某一音符的效果
  1. 支持,支撑
  2. 蒙受,遭受
  3. 证实,证明
  4. 确认,认可
  5. 供养,养(家)
  6. 忍受,忍耐
  7. 维持,保持
  8. 承担,承受
  9. 加强
  10. 支援,补养,救济
  11. 使...持续;继续
  12. 鼓舞
  13. 禁得起
  14. 【律】确认;承认
  15. 扮演,能扮演(角色) , 善于表演(性格)
  16. 能胜任
  17. 准许
  1. vt. 支撑; 维持; 支持 keep from falling or sinking; keep up; maintain
  2. vt. 蒙受; 遭受 suffer; undergo
  3. vt. 确认…有效; 准许 decide that (a claim, etc.) is valid; uphold
  1. lengthen or extend in duration or space;

    "We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible"
    "prolong the treatment of the patient"
    "keep up the good work"

  2. undergo (as of injuries and illnesses);

    "She suffered a fracture in the accident"
    "He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars"
    "She got a bruise on her leg"
    "He got his arm broken in the scuffle"

  3. provide with nourishment;

    "We sustained ourselves on bread and water"
    "This kind of food is not nourishing for young children"

  4. supply with necessities and support;

    "She alone sustained her family"
    "The money will sustain our good cause"
    "There's little to earn and many to keep"

  5. be the physical support of; carry the weight of;

    "The beam holds up the roof"
    "He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam"
    "What's holding that mirror?"

  6. admit as valid;

    "The court sustained the motion"

  7. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts;

    "his story confirmed my doubts"
    "The evidence supports the defendant"

If yousustain something, you continue it or maintain it for a period of time.

e.g. But he has sustained his fierce social conscience from young adulthood through old age...
e.g. The parameters within which life can be sustained on Earth are extraordinarily narrow.

If yousustain something such as a defeat, loss, or injury, it happens to you.

e.g. Every aircraft in there has sustained some damage...
e.g. A seventeen-year-old tourist died late last night of injuries sustained in yesterday's bomb blast.
一位 17 岁的游客在昨天的炸弹爆炸中受伤并于当天深夜身亡。

If somethingsustains you, it supports you by giving you help, strength, or encouragement.

e.g. The cash dividends they get from the cash crop wouldsustain them during the lean season...
e.g. I am sustained by letters of support and what people say to me in ordinary daily life...

1. 维持:1 认真(Serious)做事认真不马虎,心态第一2 系统(System)做事要有规律,讲究系统和逻辑3 标准(Standard) 把同类事物,给它一个规范4 简单(Simple)凡事能可靠的达到目的就够了,不要把它搞复杂5 维持(sustain)把应当维持的项目,定出简单的标准和系统,









