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当前位置:首页 单词大全 trench

  1. 【军】战壕,堑壕阵地,堑壕
  2. 沟, 渠,沟渠
  3. 海沟,海槽
  4. 地沟
  5. 壕沟
  6. 【林】防火线
  7. 特伦奇(音译名)
  8. 第一线
  9. 管沟
  10. 电缆
  11. 脱兰契(Richard Chenevix,1807—
  12. 深沟,堑沟
  1. 【军】掘壕沟,(在…)挖战壕
  2. 筑壕防卫,用战壕防守,用壕沟围住,用壕沟防御
  3. 侵害,侵犯,侵占
  4. 切,切断,切开,切入
  5. (在…)挖沟,开畦沟,开槽
  6. 掘翻(田地),深耕
  7. 【木工】作沟槽
  8. 掘壕前进
  9. 接近,近乎(与on连用)
  10. 隔绝
  11. 蚕食
  1. [C]深沟,地沟 long narrow hole dug in the earth
  2. [C]战壕 a deep ditch dug in the ground as a protection for soldiers
  1. a ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the excavated earth

  2. a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor

  3. any long ditch cut in the ground

  1. impinge or infringe upon;

    "This impinges on my rights as an individual"
    "This matter entrenches on other domains"

  2. fortify by surrounding with trenches;

    "He trenched his military camp"

  3. cut or carve deeply into;

    "letters trenched into the stone"

  4. set, plant, or bury in a trench;

    "trench the fallen soldiers"
    "trench the vegetables"

  5. cut a trench in, as for drainage;

    "ditch the land to drain it"
    "trench the fields"

  6. dig a trench or trenches;

    "The National Guardsmen were sent out to trench"

Atrench is a long narrow channel that is cut into the ground, for example in order to lay pipes or get rid of water.

2.战壕,堑壕(the trenches 常指第一次世界大战的西线战场)
Atrench is a long narrow channel in the ground used by soldiers in order to protect themselves from the enemy. People often refer to the battle grounds of the First World War in Northern France and Belgium asthe trenches .

e.g. We fought with them in the trenches.
e.g. ...trench warfare.

1. 槽:(1)沟槽(trench)结构降低IGBT的通态压降(2)非穿通(NPT)结构实现多芯片并联,以扩大IGBT电流容量正常IGBT的工作频率在10-20kHz,其开关速度比GTO、IGCT快得多.

2. 沟:碉堡(Bunker)、铁丝网(BarbedWire)、壕沟(trench)以及后面炮击篇提到的TRP也可以在布置阶段任你放置. 有人抱怨CMBB/CMAK部队数目太多,这里我建议按部队建制配置,先将一个排指分配到一个目标地点,然后将其下属部队配置到排指的附近.

3. 沟道:根据此次协议,奇梦达将把该公司80nm工艺沟道(trench)技术转让给中芯国际的北京工厂,中芯国际将利用该技术为齐梦达生产DRAM. 中芯国际的北京工厂一直从事基于300mm晶圆的DRAM生产. 另外,此次协议还包括将来把奇梦达的75nm工艺技术转让给中芯国际这一选择性条款.









