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当前位置:首页 单词大全 wish

  1. 盼望,希望,企求,想要
  2. 但愿
  3. 祝,祝愿
  4. 向...道(早安等)
  5. 请求,要求
  6. 默默盼祷
  1. 希望,愿望
  2. 祝愿,祝辞
  3. 请求,要求,命令
  4. 希望的事
  5. 想要的东西
  1. vt. & vi. 希望; 想要 have a desire
  2. vt. 祝愿 say that one hopes for
  1. [C] 渴望,希望,盼望,愿望 a feeling of wanting sth, especially sth that is at present impossible; hope or desire
  2. [C] 希望的事,想要的东西 a thing wished for; object of hope or desire
  3. [C] 许愿,祈祷,祈求 an attempt to make a particular desired thing or situation happen, especially when it can only happen by magic expressed in a special way or silently; act of wishing
  1. a specific feeling of desire;

    "he got his wish"
    "he was above all wishing and desire"

  2. an expression of some desire or inclination;

    "I could tell that it was his wish that the guests leave"
    "his crying was an indirect request for attention"

  3. (usually plural) a polite expression of desire for someone's welfare;

    "give him my kind regards"
    "my best wishes"

  4. the particular preference that you have;

    "it was his last wish"
    "they should respect the wishes of the people"

  1. hope for; have a wish;

    "I wish I could go home now"

  2. prefer or wish to do something;

    "Do you care to try this dish?"
    "Would you like to come along to the movies?"

  3. make or express a wish;

    "I wish that Christmas were over"

  4. feel or express a desire or hope concerning the future or fortune of

  5. order politely; express a wish for

  6. invoke upon;

    "wish you a nice evening"
    "bid farewell"

Awish is a desire or strong feeling that you want to have something or do something.

e.g. She was sincere and genuine in herwish to make amends for the past...
e.g. Clearly she had nowish for conversation...

If youwish to do something orto have it done for you, you want to do it or have it done.


e.g. If youwish to go away for the weekend, our office will be delighted to make hotel reservations...
e.g. We can dress as wewish now...

wish is used in expressions such asI don't wish to be rude orwithout wishing to be rude as a way of apologizing or warning someone when you are going to say something which might upset, annoy, or worry them.

e.g. I don'twish to sound callous, but I am glad I wasn't here...
e.g. Without wishing to be unkind, she's not the most interesting company.

If youwish something were true, you would like it to be true, even though you know that it is impossible or unlikely.

e.g. Iwish I could do that...
e.g. Iwish it weren't true...

Note thatwish andwant have similar meanings, but are used differently. If youwant something, you feel a need for it or a desire to have it. You can say that youwant to do something, that youwant someone to do something, or that youwant something to happen. If you usewish with a 'to' infinitive, this has the same meaning aswant but is more formal.I want to get out of here... She wished to consult him about her future.wish is normally followed by a 'that'-clause, although the word 'that' is often omitted from the clause. If youwish that something was the case, you would like it to be the case, even though this is unlikely or impossible.I wish I lived near London... He wished he had phoned for a cab. Note the use of the tenses in the examples; whenwish is in the present tense, the past tense is used in the clause, and whenwish is in the past tense, the past perfect tense is used in the clause.
注意wish 与 want 虽意思相近,但用法不同。want 表示感觉需要或希望拥有某物,可以说 want to do something, want someone to do something 或 want something to happen。如果 wish 与带 to 的不定式连用,则与 want 意思相同,但语气要更正式:I want to get out of here (我想离开这里), She wished to consult him about her future (她想就自己未来的发展向他咨询意见)。wish 一般后接 that 从句,但从句中的 that 经常省略,表示虽然明知不太可能或完全没有可能,依然希望某事是真的:I wish I lived near London (我真希望自己住在伦敦附近),He wished he had phoned for a cab (他真希望自己已经打电话叫出租车了)。注意上述例子中时态的用法:wish 用现在时,则从句用过去时;wish 用过去时,则从句用过去完成时。

If youwish for something, you express the desire for that thing silently to yourself. In fairy stories, when a person wishes for something, the thing they wish for often happens by magic.


e.g. We have all wished for men who are more considerate...
e.g. A philosopher once said, 'Be careful what youwish for; you might get it.'

wish is used in sentences such asI could not wish for anything better to indicate that you are very pleased with what you have and could not imagine anything better.

e.g. I really could not have wished for a better teacher...
e.g. Who couldwish for a better opportunity?

If you say that you would notwish a particular thingon someone, you mean that the thing is so unpleasant that you would not want them to be forced to experience it.


e.g. It's a horrid experience and I wouldn'twish it on my worst enemy.

If youwish someone something such as luck or happiness, you express the hope that they will be lucky or happy.

e.g. Iwish you both a very good journey...
e.g. Goodbye, Hanu. Iwish you well.

If you express your goodwishes towards someone, you are politely expressing your friendly feelings towards them and your hope that they will be successful or happy.

e.g. I found George's story very sad. Please give him my best wishes...
e.g. Western leaders sent good wishes to the new American president.


1. 心愿:<>(wish)的画面没有CLAMP式的奢华的背景,画风简洁流畅.故事走的是轻松搞笑的路线,清新自然,于细微之处见真情.很值得一看噢!其中风天使和恶魔之子的恋情也很有意思,单纯的不由人不感动.

2. 但愿:同~ish串记:但愿(wish)盘子(dish)里有条鱼(fish). ...

3.wish:wholesale information sharing hotline; 批发资讯分享热线









