本 名 | 陈祖安 |
所处时代 | 宋代 |
主要作品 | 《如梦令》《如梦令·月直金波潋滟》 |
性别: 男职称: 副研究员 学历: 博士
Zuan Chen, Banghui Lin, Wuming Bai et al., 2011. A study on the influence of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake on the stability of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau tectonic block system. Tectonophysics,Zuan Chen, Z.-H. Jin and S.E. Johnson,2011.Transient dike propagation and arrest near the level of neutral buoyancy. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal ResearchZuan Chen and Z.-H. Jin, 2011.Subcritical dyke propagation in a host rock with temperature-dependent viscoelastic properties. Geophys. J. Int.Zuan Chen, Z.-H. Jin and S.E. Johnson,2007, A perturbation solution for dyke propagation in an elastic medium with graded density. Geophys.J. Int.,陈祖安,林邦慧,白武明等,2011. 2001年8.1级昆仑山大震破裂过程及对2008年汶川8.0级大震孕育发生影响的研究。地球物理学报陈祖安,林邦慧,白武明等,2009,2008年汶川Ms8.0级地震孕育机理研究。地球物理学报陈祖安,林邦慧,白武明,2008,1997年玛尼地震发生对青藏川滇地区构造块体系统稳定性影响的三维DDA+FEM方法数值模拟。地球物理学报Zuan Chen and Wuming Bai, 2006, Fault creep growth model and its relationship with occurrence of earthquakes, Geophys.J. IntZuan Chen and Z.-H. Jin, 2006, Magma-driven subcritical crack growth and implications for dike initiation from a magma chamber. Geophysical Research Letters, VolZuan Chen, 2003, Analysis of a microcrack model and constitutive equations for time-dependent dilatancy of rocks. Geophys. J. Int