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刘宏   liú hóng

本    名 刘宏
别    称 汉灵帝
所处时代 宋代
民族族群 汉族
出生地 冀州河间国
出生时间 157年,一作156年
去世时间 189年5月13日
主要作品 《句》
主要成就 刻印熹平石经,设置鸿都门学

刘宏诗词更多 >>


刘宏,北京大学教授、博士生导师,国家“万人计划”首批入选专家,国家“中青年科技创新领军人才”,北京大学深圳研究生院科研处处长,智能机器人开放实验室主任,深圳物联网智能感知技术工程实验室主任。计算机科学学士(1990年)、计算机科学硕士(1993年)、机电控制及自动化博士(1996年),计算机科学博士后出站(1998年),先后师从蔡鹤皋院士、王选院士、石青云院士等著名专家。多次赴美国、加拿大、法国、日本、新加坡等国家和地区的多所著名大学和研究机构访问交流,在IROS、ICRA、ROBIO、IIHMSP等多个重要国际学术会议上担任 Keynote Speaker、Co-Chair、PC Member和Session Chair等。1996年起在北京大学任教,先后担任视觉与听觉信息处理国家重点实验室副主任、“长江学者”团队核心成员、北京大学智能科学系副主任、信息科学中心副主任,北京大学深圳研究生院教务处处长、科研处处长,参与创建国内第一个智能科学系和智能科学技术专业。兼任中国人工智能学会常务理事、副秘书长、全国智能机器人专业委员会副主任,中国自动化学会智能自动化专业委员会委员,中国计算机学会计算机视觉专业组委员,中国人工智能学会全国青年论坛YOUFIST首任主席,CAAI Transaction on Intelligence Technology国际期刊主编。


长期从事计算机视觉听觉、模式识别与图像处理、智能机器人等领域的教学科研和产业化工作,先后承担 10余项国家863课题、 973课题和国家自然科学基金项目,在上述领域发表学术论文140多篇,其中100余篇进入SCI/EI检索。研究成果被国内外著名同行研究机构引用数百次,相关成果申报/获得国家发明专利30余项。获韩国KAIST资助的安重根奖、国家航天科技进步奖、吴文俊人工智能科学技术奖、日内瓦国际发明博览会奖、北京大学教学优秀奖、安泰奖和北京大学“十佳教师”候选人等荣誉。2009年入选深圳市首批“高层次专业人才”、2012年入选科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才”、2013年入选《国家高层次人才特殊支持计划》(“万人计划”,全国机器人领域共五位学者入选)。承担的主要科研项目: ·国家自然科学基金项目:基于麦克风阵列的移动机器人实时声源定位方法研究··国家自然科学基金项目:人机互动环境下机器人实时运动规划研究·国家自然科学基金项目: 面向人体目标实时跟踪的视觉注意转移机制研究·国家863课题:面向HRI的机器人视听觉注意机制及运动规划技术·国家863课题:基于多源信息融合的交通事件自动检测技术·科技部创新人才推进计划:面向复杂场景人机交互的嵌入式仿生视觉技术·教育部博士点基金课题:面向显著事件主动感知的仿生立体视觉研究·深圳市战略新兴产业项目:网络环境下智能监控系统公共技术平台·深圳市战略新兴产业项目:物联网智能感知技术工程实验室·深圳市基础研究重点项目:面向复杂场景人机交互的仿生视觉技术与系统




发表的主要学术论文:[1] Hong Liu, Zilin Liang, Qianru Sun, “Robust Tracking with Discriminative Ranking Middle-level Patches”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (IJARS), 11:68, 2014, doi: 10.5772/58430. (智能机器人领域重要国际期刊)[2] Can Wang, Hong Liu, Liqian Ma, “Depth Motion Detection - A Novel RS-Trigger Temporal Logic based Method”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL), 21(6): 717-721, 2014.(信号处理领域重要国际期刊)[3] Can Wang, Hong Liu, Yuan Gao, “Scene-Adaptive Hierarchical Data Association for Multiple Objects Tracking”, IEEE Signal Processing Letter(SPL), 21(6): 697-701, 2014.(信号处理领域重要国际期刊)[4] Xiaozhao Fang, Yong Xu, Xuelong Li, Zizhu Fan, Hong Liu, Yan Chen,“Locality and Similarity Preserving Embedding for Feature Selection”, Neurocomputing, vol.128, pp.304-315, March, 2014. (人工智能领域重要国际期刊)[5] Yong Xu, Xiaozhao Fang, Qi Zhu, Yan Chen, Jane You, Hong Liu: “Modified Minimum Squared Error Algorithm for Robust Classification and Face Recognition Experiments”, Neurocomputing, vol.135, pp.253-261, 2014.(人工智能领域重要国际期刊)[6]Hong Liu, Ting Fan, Pingping Wu, “Audio-visual Keyword Spotting for Mandarin Based on Discriminative Local Spatial-temporal Descriptors”, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), August24-28,2014, Stockholm, Sweden.(模式识别领域重要国际会议)[7] Hong Liu, Yuan Gao, Pingping Wu, “Smile Detection in Unconstrained Scenarios Using Self-Similarity of Gradients Features”, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), October 27-30, 2014, Paris, France.(图像处理领域重要国际会议)[8] Hong Liu, Yuan Gao, Can Wang, “Gender Identification in Unconstrained Scenarios Using Self-Similarity of Gradients Features”, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), October 27-30, 2014, Paris, France. (图像处理领域重要国际会议)[9] Mengyuan Liu, Hong Liu, Qianru Sun, “Action Classification by Exploring Directional Co-occurrence of Weighted STIPS”, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), October 27-30, 2014, Paris, France.(图像处理领域重要国际会议)[10] Hong Liu, Jie Zhang, ZhuoFu, “A New Hierarchical Binaural Sound Source Localization Method Based on Interaural Matching Filter”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp.1598-1605, May 31 - June 7, Hong Kong, 2014. (智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[11] Hong Liu, Ting Fan, Pingping Wu, “Audio-visual Keyword Spotting Based on Adaptive Decision Fusion under Noisy Conditions for Human-Robot Interaction”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp.6644-6651, May 31 - June 7, Hong Kong, 2014. (智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[12] Hong Liu, Jie Zhang, “A Binaural Sound Source Localization Model Based on Time-Delay Compensation and Interaural Coherence”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.1438-1442, May 4-9, 2014, Florence, Italy. (语音信号领域顶级国际会议)[13] Mengyuan Liu, Hong Liu, Qianru Sun, “Learning Directional Co-occurrence for Human Action Classification”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , pp.1244-1248, May 4-9, 2014, Florence, Italy. (语音信号领域顶级国际会议)[14] Pingping Wu, Hong Liu, Xuewu Zhang, “Spontaneous Versus Posed Smile Recognition Using Discriminative Local Spatial-temporal Descriptors”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , pp.1249-1253, May 4-9, 2014, Florence, Italy. (语音信号领域顶级国际会议)[15] Xiaofei Li, Hong Liu, “Sound Source Localization for HRI Using FOC-based Time Difference Feature and Spatial Grid Matching”, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics(TCYB), 43(4):1199-1212, 2013.(智能控制领域顶级国际期刊)[16] Yangxi Li, Chao Zhou, Bo Geng, Chao Xu, Hong Liu, “A Comprehensive Study on Learning to Rank for Content-based Image Retrieval”, Signal Processing(SP), 93(6): 1426-1434 , 2013.(信号处理领域顶级国际期刊)[17] Yong Xu, Qi Zhu, Zizhu Fan, Minna Qiu, Yan Chen, Hong Liu, “Coarse to Fine K Nearest Neighbor Classifier”, Pattern Recognition Letters(PR Letters), 34(9): 980-986, 2013. (模式识别领域重要国际期刊)[18] Yong Luo, Dacheng Tao, Chang Xu, Chao Xu, Hong Liu, Yonggang Wen, “Multiview Vector-Valued Manifold Regularization for Multilabel Image Classification”, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems(TNNLS), 24(5): 709-722, 2013. (智能控制领域顶级国际期刊)[19] Yong Xu, Xingjie Zhu, Zhengming Li, Guang-Hai Liu, Yuwu Lu, Hong Liu, “Using the Original and ‘Symmetrical Face’ Training Samples to Perform Representation based Two-step Face Recognition”, Pattern Recognition (PR), 46(4): 1151-1158, 2013. (模式识别领域顶级国际期刊)[20] Hong Liu, Can Wang, “Hierarchical Data Association and Depth-Invariant Appearance Model for Indoor Multiple Objects Tracking”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp.2635-2639, September 15-18, 2013, Melbourne, Australia. (图像处理领域重要国际会议)[21] Hong Liu, Xing Liu, “Robust Hands Tracking Based on Online Learning and Multi-cue Flocks of Features”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp.3725-3729,September 15-18, 2013, Melbourne, Australia.(图像处理领域重要国际会议)[22] Can Wang, Hong Liu, “Unusual Events Detection based on Multi-Dictionary Sparse Representation using Kinect”, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 2968–2972,September 15-18, 2013, Melbourne, Australia.(图像处理领域重要国际会议)[23] Can Wang, Hong Liu. Xing Liu, “Maximally Stable Curvature Regions for 3D Hand Tracking”, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp.3895–3899 ,September 15-18, 2013, Melbourne, Australia.(图像处理领域重要国际会议)[24] Qianru Sun, Hong Liu, “Learning Spatio-Temporal Co-occurrence Correlograms for Efficient Human Action Classification”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp.3220-3224,September 15-18, 2013, Melbourne, Australia.(图像处理领域重要国际会议)[25] Qianru Sun, Hong Liu, “Inferring Ongoing Human Activities Based on Recurrent Self-Organizing Map Trajectory”, the 24th British Machine Vision Conference(BMVC), pp.1-10, September 9-13, 2013, Bristol, British. (计算机视觉领域重要国际会议)[26] Can Wang, Hong Liu, “Salient-motion-heuristic Scheme for Fast 3D Optical Flow Estimation using RGB-D”, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.2272–2276, May 26-31, 2013, Vancouver, Canada.(语音信号领域顶级国际会议)[27] Hong Liu, Zhuo Fu, Xiaofei Li, “A Time-Delay Compensation Based Two-layer Probabilistic Model For Binaural Sound Localization”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp.2690-2697, May 6-10, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany. (智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[28] Xiaofei Li, Miao Shen, Wenmin Wang, Hong Liu, “Real-time Sound Source Localization for Mobile Robot Based on Guided Spectral-Temporal Position Method”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (IJARS), 9:78, 2012, doi: 10.5772/51307.(智能机器人领域重要国际期刊)[29] Hong Liu, Qing Sun, Tianwei Zhang, “Hierarchical RRT for Humanoid Robot Footstep Planning with Multiple Constraints in Complex Environments”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS), pp.3187-3194, October 7-12, 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal. (智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[30] Hong Liu, Tianwei Zhang, Chuangqi Wang, “A ’Capacitor’ Bridge Builder Based Safe Path Planner for Difficult Regions Identification in Changing Environments”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp.3179-3186, October 7-12, 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.(智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[31] Hong Liu, Qianru Sun, “Action Disambiguation Analysis Using Normalized Google-Like Distance Correlogram”, The 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), pp.425-437, November 5-9, 2012, Daejeon, Korea.(计算机视觉领域重要国际会议)[32] Hong Liu, Jiang Li, “Unsupervised Multi-Target Trajectory Detection, Learning and Analysis in Complicated Environments”, 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR), pp.3716-3720, November 11-15, 2012, Tsukuba Science City, Japan.(模式识别领域重要国际会议)[33] Hong Liu, Xiaofei Li, “Time Delay Estimation for Speech Signal Based on FOC-Spectrum”, International Conference on INTERSPEECH, pp.1730-1733, September 9-13, 2012, Portland, USA.(语音信号领域顶级国际会议)[34] Hong Liu, Pingping Wu, “Comparison of Methods for Smile Deceit Detection by Training Au6 and Au12 Simultaneously”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp.1805-1808, September 30-October 3, 2012, Florida, USA.(图像处理领域重要国际会议)[35] Xiaofei Li, Hong Liu, Xuesong Yang, “Sound Source Localization for Human-Robot Interaction Based on Spatial Distribution of Time Difference Feature and Grid Matching”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS), pp.2879-2886, September 25-30, 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA. (智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[36] Zheyuan Li, Hong Liu, “Real-time Human Tracking Based on Switching Linear Dynamic System Combined with Adaptive Meanshift Tracker”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP ), pp.329-2332, September 11-14, 2011, Brussels, Belgium. (图像处理领域重要国际会议)[37] Hong Liu, Weiwei Wan, “A Dynamic Subgoal Path Planner for Unpredictable Environments”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp.994-1001,May 3-8, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. (智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[38] Hong Liu, Huijun He, “A Salient Feature and Scene Semantics based Attention Model for Human Tracking on Mobile Robot”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA), pp.4545-4552, May 3-8, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. (智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[39] Hong Liu, Miao Shen, “Continuous Sound Source Localization based on Microphone Array for Mobile Robots”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp.4332-4339, 2010, October 18-22, Taipei, Taiwan. (智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[40] Hong Liu, Weiwei Wan, “Adaptive Replanning in Hard Changing Environment”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp.5912-5918, Oct. 18-22, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.(智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[41] Hong Liu, Weiwei Wan, Ying Shi, “Collaboration of Spatial and Feature Attention for Visual Tracking”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS), pp. 2985-2992, October 10-15, 2009, St.Louis, USA.(智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[42] Hong Liu, He Wen, Yan Li, “Path Planning in Changing Environments by Using Optimal Path Segment Search”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS), pp.1439-1445, October 10-15, 2009, St.Louis, USA. (智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[43] Hong Liu, Ze Yu, Hongbin Zha, Yuexian Zou, “Robust Human Tracking Based on Multi-Cue Integration and Mean Shift”, Pattern Recognition Letters(PR Letters), 30(9): 827-837, 2009.. (模式识别领域重要国际期刊)[44] Ying Shi, Hong Liu, Yi Liu, Hongbin Zha, “Adaptive Feature-Spatial Representation for Mean-Shift Tracker”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp.2012-2015, , October 12-15, 2008, San Diego, CA, USA. (图像处理领域重要国际会议)[45] Zhijun Li, Weidong Chen, Hong Liu, “Robust Control of Wheeled Mobile Manipulators Using Hybrid Joints”, International Journal of Advanced Robotic System(IJARS), 5(1):83-90, March, 2008.(智能机器人领域重要国际期刊)[46] Hong Liu, Ding Ding, Weiwei Wan, Hongbin Zha, “Predictive Model for Path Planning by Using K-near Dynamic Bridge Builder and Inner Parzen Window”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS ), pp.2033-2138, September 22-26, 2008, Nice, France. (智能机器人领域顶级国际会议)[47] Hong Liu, Qi Wu, Hongbin Zha, Xueping Liu, “Skew Detection for Complex Document Images Using Robust Borderlines in Both Text and Non-text Regions”, Pattern Recognition Letters(PR Letters), 29(13):1893-1900, October, 2008. (模式识别领域重要国际期刊)

