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当前位置:首页 单词大全 aver


英[ə'vɜː(r)] 美[ə'vɜːr]

  • 【形容词:】averrable
  • 【名词:】averment
  • 【过去式:】averred
  • 【过去分词:】averred
  • 【现在分词:】averring
  • 【第三人称单数:】avers

  1. report or maintain;

    "He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"
    "He said it was too late to intervene in the war"
    "The registrar says that I owe the school money"

  2. to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true;

    "Before God I swear I am innocent"

If youaver that something is the case, you say very firmly that it is true.

e.g. He avers that chaos will erupt if he loses...
e.g. 'Enter-taining is something that everyone in the country can enjoy,' she averred.

1. 断言:attune 使合调,使一致 |aver 断言 | avow 公开承认,坦白承认

2. 主张:valediction 告别;告别词 |aver 主张 | laver 洗礼水

3. 断言, 主张:aver cake || 燕麦饼 |aver || 断言, 主张 |average absolute value || 平均绝对值


4. 确证:avenum (拉)财物 |aver 确证 |average 海损

She averred that she had never seen the man before.


He avers that chaos will erupt if he loses...


'Enter-taining is something that everyone in the country can enjoy,' she averred.


The restaurant was filled to overflowing, and they despaired of aver finding a seat.


To aver is to allege in a pleading.


I aver that I have spoken the truth.


The longest rope was 100 m long and aver a 50 m deep gorge.


C: Yes the traditional Chinese painting has a history of aver 2500 years.

员: 是的,中国国画已经有2500多年的历史了.

I aver it will not rain tomorrow.


A kindly aver will never make a good horse.


In spite of all you say, I still aver that his report is true.

不管你怎么说, 我还是断言他的报告是真实的.

As he already knew French, he gained an advantage aver the rest of the class.

因为他已经接法语, 所以他比班上其他人占优势.

It is indicated in experiments that the effective suction increases 8 ~12 times as aver.


  • How often doe the Phisitians lye, when they auer things good for sicknesses.

    出自:P. Sidney
  • Which being..within the reach of my own Knowledge, I do averr to be a Calumny.

    出自:R. Bentley
  • They all averr'd I had killed the Bird That brought the fog and mist.

  • What one author avers upon the subject, another denies.

    出自:G. P. R. James
  • A brilliant matrimonial prize for which, as all chroniclers aver, there had been many competitors.

    出自:Baroness Orczy


下一个:make a bid




