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英['ɡraɪndə(r)] 美['ɡraɪndər]

  • n.磨工;研磨器;磨床

  1. a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the United States

  2. grinding tooth with a broad crown; located behind the premolars

  3. machinery that processes materials by grinding or crushing

  4. a machine tool that polishes metal

a coffee grinder


...an electric coffee grinder.


Production of electrical tools , such as electric drills impact, angle angle grinder electric drill and curves.

那是一个气(电)动砂轮机(手持砂轮机、角型砂轮 、 直型砂轮、钻机、冲击扳手 、 铆钉锤、锤钻机).

The grinder was powered by a windmill.


Check & adjust the operation of grinding machine. Prepare tool, fixture, measure and wheel for grinder.

检查 并 调整磨床的运行情况, 配好工 、 夹 、 量具和砂轮.

The spiral nebulae were scratches left by the grinder.


Main production meat grinder, grinding machines, enema machine, Juicers, enema, etc. food processing machinery.

主要生产绞肉机 、 研磨机 、 灌肠机 、 榨汁机 、 灌肠器等食品加工机械.

Could you have seen a [ body ] double's feet being shoved into a meat grinder?

你见识过 尸体 双腿被砍被搓成个肉球的场景 吗 ?

It took a while to remove the rust with a sand blaster and an angle grinder.

花了一段时间,以消除铁锈与抛丸和一个角度磨床.Whatachore. 什么是苦事.

The temperature increase of grinding wheel bear influences the normal work of grinder.


The grinder can be used for grinding coffee beans.


Each upset, heartache, when the heart will be as chaotic as the meat grinder.

每次心烦, 心痛的时候,心便会像绞肉机那样乱成一团.

Individually, blend the coconut flesh, mango flesh and dragon fruit flesh in a grinder, until smooth.

把椰子肉 、 芒果肉、龙珠果肉各别放进搅碎机里搅拌成细滑果酱.

A kind of new typed robotic abrasive belt grinder was designed.


Mar 2005: The CNC Roll grinder started construction.

2005年03月: 研磨机开挖动工.

Familiar with use lathe, milling machine, grinder, spark line cutting cutting operation.

熟悉使用车床, 铣床, 磨床, 点火花,线削割等操作.

Antonius van Leeuvenhoek was a Dutch businessman who became an expert lens grinder and amateur scientist.


Newly developed semi automatic grinding wheel balancer for precise grinder detects unbalance phase sensitive detection technique.


Master Worker Wang is responsible for the overhaul of this grinder.


He uses an electric grinder to grind beans into bean powder.


The chef used an electric grinder in the kitchen.


Ordinary lathe worker 4, mill, pliers, grinder apprentice proper name, master mechanic proper name.

普通车工4名, 铣 、 钳 、 磨床学徒工数名, 熟练工数名.

Isprofession ordinary emery tape grinder and so on building materials friction material substitution products.


Jun 2005: The CNC Roll grinder started the operation.

2005年06月: 辊轮研磨机试车,开始运转.

  • Jewellery. grinders and Polishers. Experienced only.

    出自:New York Times

上一个:take the edge off





