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英['tædpəʊl] 美['tædpoʊl]

  1. a larval frog or toad

tadpoles are small water creatures which grow into frogs or toads.



1. 蝌蚪:本届电影节将展出来自20多个国家的300多部剧情长片及短片,西歌妮.韦弗(Sigourney Weaver,<>女主角)主演的<>(tadpole)一片被选为开幕片. 该片以数字摄影机拍摄,在今年的圣丹斯电影节上赢得了最佳导演大奖.

2. 诱惑我小妈:<>(tadpole)编剧尼尔斯.穆勒的第一部导演作品,改编自真实故事,讲述1974年一名美国富商准备行刺总统尼克松未果的惊天事件:心计重重的美国富商,由于遭到总统的打压,产生了行刺的念头.

3. tadpole的反义词

3. 蚪:使用蝌蚪(tadpole)红细胞微核实验来研究三种农药杀虫剂潜在的诱变活性.实验表明,大灭灵、农哈哈两种农药能诱发蝌蚪红细胞微核细胞率显著上升(P<0.01),表明在一定浓度范围内对蝌蚪红细胞具有显著的遗传毒性.

4. tadpole的意思

4. 幕后操纵者:chnlilac 大司徒 |tadpole 幕后操纵者 | lastword 教三游击队长

A tadpole has a tail.


The tadpole hatches from the egg.


A few days after the eggs are laid, young frogs which are called tadpole come out of them.

卵产下几天以后, 称为蝌蚪的青蛙幼虫就从卵里出来了.

tadpole: Are you my mummy?

蝌蚪: 你是我的妈妈?

tadpole 2 : Look, Grandpa Shrimp. Let's ask him.

小蝌蚪 2: 看, 虾爷爷. 让我们问问他吧.

tadpole ( T for short ): Mummy!

蝌蚪说: 妈妈!

A tadpole ultimately turns into a frog.


What would we do if this patient were not just a tadpole?


The tadpole is the larva of the frog.


tadpole 1 : Hey, brothers and sisters. Let's playing and seek. OK?

小蝌蚪 1: 嘿! 兄弟姐妹们! 让我们玩“捉迷藏”的游戏, 好 吗 ?

tadpole shrimp lives in ponds , swags or river sides . They have no impact on the environment.

鲎虫生活在池沼 、 水潭或水畔, 对环境没有什么影响.

As a tadpole changes into a frog, its tail is gradually absorbed.

蝌蚪变成蛙, 它的尾巴就逐渐被吸收掉.

I'm telling you, tadpole, one of us should've stayed at home to protect her.

听我说, 小蝌蚪, 我们应该有人留在家里保护她.

tadpole 2 : Is she on the lotus?

小蝌蚪 2: 她是不是在荷叶上 啊 ?

It was a tadpole. Now it is a frog.

它过去是蝌蚪, 现在是一只青蛙.

tadpole 3 : Yes, where is our mother? Let's look for our mother.

小蝌蚪 3: 是啊, 我们的妈妈在哪里 啊 ?让我们去找妈妈吧.

tadpole 2 : Is she under the lotus?

小蝌蚪 2: 那她是不是藏在荷叶下面 啊 ?

tadpole 3 : We are tadpoles. You come into the water and we play games together. OK?

小蝌蚪 3: 我们是小蝌蚪. 你们到水里来跟我们一起玩游戏吧, 好 吗 ?

The characters actually translated to mean ' bite the wax tadpole. '

这并不奇怪,因为这个发音译成汉字,成了“蝌蚪啃蜡 ”.

If a frog is changed from a tadpole, I won't play with a frog.

如果青蛙是由蝌蚪变来的, 那我不愿意和一只青蛙玩.

tadpole 3 : Look there! Who are they? They're downy.

小蝌蚪 3: 大家看那儿! 他们是谁? 他们毛绒绒的.

The plot unfolds in predictable stages just as a tadpole unfolds out of a frog's egg.


tadpole shrimp have outlived dinosaurs, trilobites and mammoths.

鲎虫比恐龙 、 三叶虫、猛犸象更长寿.

A tadpole has a tail.


tadpole 1 : Yes, she has got bulging eyes, white stomach.

小蝌蚪 1: 是的, 她有两只圆圆的眼睛, 一个白肚子.

A little tadpole is swimming in the river. She is looking for Her mother.


A tadpole is transformed into a frog.


A tadpole transforms into a frog.


tadpole 4 : I am a Little tadpole, too.

蝌蚪 四: 我也是小蝌蚪.

In this section, I discuss the basic elements of a tadpole trike design.

在本节中, 我讨论蝌蚪三轮车设计的基本要素1.

But as sure as the weather changes, the tadpole could not keep his promise.

但是,随着季节无情地改变, 小蝌蚪再也不能信守承诺.






