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英[əd'mɪnɪstreɪt] 美[əd'mɪnəˌstreɪt]

  • 【过去式:】administrated
  • 【过去分词:】administrated
  • 【现在分词:】administrating
  • 【第三人称单数:】administrates

  1. work in an administrative capacity; supervise or be in charge of;

    "administer a program"
    "she administers the funds"

1. administrate

1. 管理:同时在Ubuntu桌面上选择系统(system)选项,然后再选择管理(administrate)选项,在出现的下拉框里选择Network Connection(网络连接),打开,看到里面的wired选项卡下有个auto etho ,对其进行编辑填上自己的ip地址,子网掩码(netmash)以及网关,

2. 投药:accumulate 积蓄 |administrate 投药 | excrete 排泄

3. 管理,支配:administrant || 管理人, 行政官 管理的 |administrate || 管理, 支配 | administrating accounting || 业务核算

4. 实施,管理:satisfactory令人满意的 | [32]administrate实施,管理 | assess估定,评定

Article 5 The CBRC shall supervise and administrate the securitization businesses of credit assets of financial institutions according to law.


administrate on – site the completion of work, including attending regular site meetings.

现场管理工作, 包括参加定期的现场会议.

Organize, administrate the project financial control cost within the overall traget budget.


Organize great training courses in factory, administrate and file training records.

厂内各项大型培训的组织, 管理及记录保存.

The key to prevent Pseudomembranous colitis is to administrate antibiotics rationally.


These are programs like computer programming , public relations and acdemic of ( administrate ) work.

这些课程都是像 计算机编程 、 公共关系学和行政管理工作这类的.

They had the right to administrate their own internal affairs.


administrate and control the assigned production department budget.


To administrate the daily operation on stores in order to ensure the professional service quality.


administrate all supporting logistics include but not limited to security, dining, sanitary, vehicle, gardening, dormitory etc.

全面负责管理公司包括但不限于警卫 、 食堂 、 保洁 、 车辆 、 绿化 、 宿舍等后勤工作.

So it employs DBMS and file system combined to store, organize, and administrate information.

结合数据信息的这些特点,系统采用数据库系统与文件系统相结合的方式存储 、 组织 、 管理数据信息.

The standardized management of GMP document administrate the production process in pharmaceutical enterprises in standardization.


Regulatory detailed Planning is the Methods: To instruct and administrate the land - use and construction directly.


administrate concept: Products with genuine good at a fair price. Serve with constantly improve, sale the products with responsibility.

经营理念: 产品货真价实, 服务精益求精, 我销售,我负责.

Reading is speedy, in time , high precision on calculation and easy to administrate.

本系统具有抄收速度快 、 计算精度高,抄收同时性好、易于管理等优点.

The study provided elementary data for clinical administrate and a solid foundation of relative future research.







