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当前位置:首页 单词大全 awaren...


英[ə'weənəs] 美[ə'wernəs]

  1. having knowledge of;

    "he had no awareness of his mistakes"
    "his sudden consciousness of the problem he faced"
    "their intelligence and general knowingness was impressive"

  2. state of elementary or undifferentiated consciousness;

    "the crash intruded on his awareness"

1. awareness

1. 觉性:(4) 此活动需教师抛开既定课程包袱,从无到有,由类似归纳法(inductive method)的形式统合知识. 统整的知识越多则越困难,亦较冒险. 但此活动能加强对教师如何处理课程、课程与学习者的关系等的警觉性(awareness),是一个颇为必须的步骤.

2. awareness是什么意思

2. 知道:不管是B2B还是B2C,不管是大企业还是中小企业,对于客户行为,都有四个阶段:知道(awareness)互动(engagement),考虑(consideration),购买(The Buy)同时,如果不严格执行我们的反垃圾邮件协议,平台IP地址和域名有可能被加入黑名单,

environmental awareness (= knowing that looking after the environment is important)


Energy awareness Week


a greater'/a growing'/an increasing awareness of sth

对某事物更大的 / 日益增长的 / 愈来愈大的兴趣

an awareness of the importance of eating a healthy diet


There was an almost complete lack of awareness of the issues involved.


It is important that students develop an awareness of how the Internet can be used.


to raise'/heighten'/increase public awareness of sth

加强 / 提高 / 增强公众对某事物的意识

They are politically very aware.


She was acutely aware of the noise of the city...


Jane was suddenly aware that she was digging her nails into her thigh.


Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health...


He should have been aware of what his junior officers were doing...


Lacking in awareness, animals have to passively adapt themselves to the living environments.

动物没有觉性, 只能被动地适应生存环境.

The UN also conducts international campaigns to raise global awareness of the problems affecting vulnerable groups.


The consumer's awareness and associations lead to perceived quality, inferred attributes, and eventually, brand loyalty.

消费者的品牌认知和联想唐他们进一步感知质量, 判断属性, 最终, 品牌忠诚.

Sponsor or participate in a health awareness campaign or a project that addresses health concerns.


There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful.


In addition, awareness of environmental protection is being rooted in the people's minds.

另外, 环保意识正扎根于人们的心中.

The awareness of fuzziness will enlighten new method for our practice uninhibited and complicate society.


Results The average awareness rate about AIDS was 69.6 %.


Video session to improve overall tactical awareness.


Let go of differentiation, move to awareness; all is one, return to center naturally.

舍去分别用觉知, 本是一体自归中.

We re trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in particular.


To increase public knowledge of railway safety, railway track safety awareness specificity.

提高公众铁路安全常识 、 铁路轨道交通安全特殊性的认识.

By contrast, American men have a real lack of awareness about how to treat a lady.

相比之下, 美国男人倒真是不懂得如何对待女士.

The paper, from three aspects, expounds the subject awareness of her creation.


There is a growing awareness that the prevention of environmental pollution is extremely important.


Strengthen the awareness of elderly heart failure, active and control, to be effective in prevention.

加强对老年性心衰的认识, 积极防治, 可有效地防患于未然.

We must try to get rid of our blindness and raise the level of our political awareness.


Environmental awareness has increased over the years.


高考真题例句OG 1.awareness

Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raisedawareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world's lakes and oceans.

她在1962年出版的畅销书《寂静的春天》, 提高了人们对污染危险以及化学品对人类和世界湖泊和海洋的有害影响的认识。


上一个:aware of

下一个:aware need




