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当前位置:首页 单词大全 buster


英['bʌstə(r)] 美['bʌstər]

  1. 破坏者
  2. 老兄
  3. 有巨大破坏力的东西
  4. 欢闹
  5. 强劲的南风
  6. 庞然大物
  7. 伙计
  8. 小子
  9. 闹饮
  10. 称呼不喜欢的男子
  11. 遏制者
  12. 驯马人
  13. 健壮的孩子
  14. 非凡的人
  15. 茁壮的孩子
  16. 扑灭者
  17. 爆破者
  18. 爆破物
  19. 炸弹
  20. 巴斯特(人名)
  1. an informal form of address for a man;

    "Say, fellow, what are you doing?"
    "Hey buster, what's up?"

  2. a robust child

  3. a person who breaks horses

  4. a person (or thing) that breaks up or overpowers something;

    "dam buster"
    "sanction buster"
    "crime buster"

  5. a person born in the generation following the baby boom when the birth rate fell dramatically

Hoover was building his reputation as a crime-buster.


Make with the beers, buster!

伙计, 拿啤酒来!

Yo, Mike Tyson was round when he fought buster Douglas.

唷, 迈克·泰森对抗巴斯特·道格拉斯的时候也很丰满.

I'm buster Venable, Amanda's nephew.

我是布斯特·文纳伯, 阿曼达的侄子.

Hold it, buster! Who do you think you are?

住嘴, 混蛋! 你以为你是谁?

Blow it out your ear, you buster!

去你的, 你这个混蛋!

buster retired on disability.


The medicine is a cold buster.


Say , buster, where are you going?

老兄, 你要上哪儿去?

In the blue corner , buster Smith.


Hey buster, what's up?

嘿,老兄, 什么事?

The whole movie was about lions and buster Crabbe, who was raised by a lion pride.


I already know the evils of smoking, but for me smoking is a stress - buster.

我知道抽烟的害处, 但对我来说,抽烟是一种减压方式.

buster Simcus , the world's fattest man, has offered new advice for Donna Simpson.

巴特, 世界上最胖的男人, 给唐娜辛普森提出了一些新的建议.

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