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当前位置:首页 单词大全 dude


英[duːd] 美[duːd]

  • n.花花公子;纨绔子弟;(口)哥们
  • vt.打扮
  • 【过去式:】duded
  • 【过去分词:】duded
  • 【现在分词:】duding
  • 【第三人称单数:】dudes

  1. 花花公子
  2. 太讲究衣着仪表的人
  3. 城里人
  4. 男人
  5. 男孩
  6. 纨袴子弟:1000
  7. 讲究穿戴的人
  8. 东部人
  9. 东部旅行者
  10. 爱打扮的人
  11. 新手
  12. 家伙
  13. 伙计
  14. 美国西部城里人都市人
  15. 杜德(音译名)
  1. 打扮
  1. 一流的
  1. an informal form of address for a man;

    "Say, fellow, what are you doing?"
    "Hey buster, what's up?"

  2. a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance

He's a real cool dude.


Hey, dude, what's up?


My doctor is a real cool dude.


A : Hey , dude, can you scratch my back?

( 嘿, 哥们, 帮我挠挠背好 吗 ?)

Phil: dude, we're in a locker room. Make it clear you're talking about a lizard.

菲尔: 老兄, 我们 可是 在储藏室. 说清楚点儿你指的是只蜥蜴.

Well if it can, and the next time you assault a dude.

如果它真的可以做的这么好, 下次你袭击一个花花公子.

Hey, dude, look at the chick over there!

嘿, 哥们, 瞧那边那个小妞!

A : Hey , dude . You did a good job. That was some dynamite presentation you gave.

嘿!老兄!作得不错喔! 你刚刚的介绍(表现)粉棒喔!

This dude climb to the top , just for taking perfect photos of the holy mountain.

这位仁兄跑到山坡上, 就为拍到满意的神山!

But in real life that is what a real rude dude does.


dude: You will be a pro after this week's lessons.

都德: 学完这周的课文后你就会变成专家了.

That dude has no class at all.


dude: So if a famous person goes to the bathroom, you sit in their seat?

都德: 那么说如果哪位名人要去洗手间的话, 你就坐在他们的位子上?

dude # 2 : If you had money I'd kill you and wear you like a pelt.

男孩 乙: 你要是有了钱,我就杀了你,把你的皮穿在我身上.

Also, don't take the fact that I've beena dude as an invitation to question my sexuality.

还有, 不要因为我交过男朋友就开始怀疑我的性向.

Jack: dude , twelve o'clock, the one in the pearls. Nice huh?

杰克: 老兄, 在十二点钟的位置,看那个珠光宝气的女郎, 漂亮吧?

dude, I'm not kidding, okay?

伙计, 我不是在开玩笑, 知道 吗 ?

David was dressed like a dude to attend a party last night.


dude is a basketball legend and is also very entertaining as a commentator.


GIRL: He's the dude and I'm the waitress the Nihilists.

女孩: 他打扮成“城里人”,我是尼西李斯特的侍女.

No, dude, you calm down!

不, 伙计, 你冷静下来!

Every time I hear ( Hey dude I love your band! ).


dude, a rock on her left hand?

伙计, 她左手有戴戒指 吗 ?

Come on dude, don't you have any hobbies?

拜托老兄, 你没有别的爱好 么 ?

Morton: dude, you are a warrior poet.

老鼠莫顿: 伙计, 你还真是个战场诗人.

I have nothing to do, so tomorrow we are partying with Gandalf, dude!

兄弟,反正我女友不在没事干明天我们去跟 甘道 夫狂欢吧!

Face it, dude aas good as a mile. You failed.

面对现实吧!花花公子,失之毫厘,差之千里. 你被拒绝罗.

Molly: Now I remember, you are that rude dude.

莫莉: 现在我想起来了, 你就是那个没礼貌的小伙子.

Toby: dude, I was in the city yesterday and saw that trucker hats are in.

托比: 老兄, 我昨天在城内看到卡车帽正流行.






