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当前位置:首页 单词大全 cudgel


英['kʌdʒl] 美['kʌdʒl]

  • n.短棍;棒
  • v.棒打
  • 【过去式:】cudgeled/cudgelled
  • 【过去分词:】cudgeled/cudgelled
  • 【现在分词:】cudgeling/cudgelling
  • 【第三人称单数:】cudgels

  1. a club that is used as a weapon

  1. strike with a cudgel

The trade unions took up the cudgels for the 367 staff made redundant.


When using loudspeakers, be sure to use your discretion . You can't teach others with a cudgel.

使用高音喇叭, 千万要见机行事, 不能授人以柄.

The yellow man carried his bundle and his cudgel in his hand.


All of a sudden the phantom dealt him a blow with his cudgel.


I have been cudgel my brains for detainment you. However, everything is holdthe sun.

我曾绞尽脑汁想挽留住你, 可惜这一切只是徒劳.

After the doctor knows, cudgel one's brains for recalled a way eventually.

医生知道后, 绞尽脑汁终于想出了个办法.

Sabreplay , swordplay , spear play and cudgel play all have their own set patterns.

刀术 、 剑术 、 枪术以及棍术各有自己的一套套路.

cudgel one's brains for climbs grid , cigarette receives.

绞尽脑汁爬格子, 香烟一支接一支.

A stout, heavy stick, usually thicker at one end, suitable for use a weapon a cudgel.

一种坚固 、 沉重的棒, 通常一端粗大, 适于用作武器;短粗的棍棒.

Monkey wielded his cudgel and hit Ne Zha from Behind . Ne Zha was forced to withdraw.

托塔天王李靖见两将俱败, 不能取胜,便急忙鸣金收兵.

He is a strong man and can pick up the golden cudgel easily.


Zhu Jun cudgel one's brains for, quite a while also did not draw up a word.

朱军绞尽脑汁, 半晌也没有写出一个字.

He and Dorothy would lie in wait the following day and cudgel her to death.


Is it worthwhile cudgel your brains to find a solution to that puzzle on the newspaper.


Flatter a rascal, the will cudgel you; cudgel a rascal he will lick your boots.

奉承恶棍, 会挨棍棒; 痛击恶棍,他会舔靴.

He had a magic golden cudgel and tremendously supernatural power.


Each forestry bureau sells fatigued and weak cudgel one's brains for for lumber again.


  • They learned to Box and play at cudgels.


上一个:cue stick





