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英['dɪɡnɪtəri] 美['dɪɡnɪteri]

  • n.高贵的人;高官
  • adj.地位尊贵的
  • 【名词复数:】dignitaries

  1. an important or influential (and often overbearing) person

Dignitaries are people who are considered to be important because they have a high rank in government or in the Church.

1. dignitary什么意思

1. 要人:蓝普敦并未在该篇文章中明指这名台湾要人(dignitary)是谁,不过台湾去年参加APEC会议的代表是中研院院长李远哲,李远哲此时也正在曼谷参加今年度APEC领袖级会议.

2. 权贵:dignify 使尊荣 |dignitary 权贵 | dignity 尊严

3. 显要人物:149. dietician: 营养学家. | 150.dignitary: 显要人物. | 151. dilettante: 半瓶醋,业余爱好者.

4. 高官:dignifyennoble 使高贵 |dignitary 高官 |dignitary 高贵的人

Anglican Church an ecclesiastical dignitary usually ranking just below a bishop.


In the heartland of this country, behind a number plate there may be a dignitary.

京城里边云高水深, 卧虎藏龙,一张车牌的背后可能就隐藏着一个权势人物.

It is the symbol of dignitary , reverence, and auspice.

是权贵, 尊严和吉祥的象征.

dignitary Bingo, ten bucks a sheet; are you in?

猜人物宾果游戏, 一页十美元, 怎么样 ?

What handcrafted shoe becomes royal family, dignitary again again now is special article.

手工制造的鞋子现在又再次成为王室 、 显贵的专用品.

A day, the drive that has a dignitary history will make the clothing.

一天, 有个显贵的御史来做衣服.

VIP : A person of great importance or influence, especially a dignitary who commands special treatment.

贵宾,大人物,重要的或有影响的人物, 尤需要特殊对待的高官显贵.

Inside the pagoda in the backyard of the temple, there lay the remains of the dignitary.

寺庙后院的灵塔, 存放着这位高僧的遗骨.

  • The Governor's garden party..the military band playing, local dignitaries there to meet us.

    出自:E. Heath






