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follow up

英['fɒləʊˌʌp] 美['fɑːloʊˌʌp]

  • vt.穷追;跟踪;重复补充;继承;监督;贯彻到底
  • vi.跟进;采取措施

  • 跟踪,监督,继承,重复补充,贯彻到底
  1. pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue;

    "Did he go through with the treatment?"
    "He implemented a new economic plan"
    "She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal"

  2. increase the effectiveness or success of by further action;

    "The doctor followed up the surgery with radiation"

follow up order , prepayment , tracking order delivery schedule . Insert POs to ERP Monitor and update there.

跟踪采购定单,跟踪及控制交货期, 付款及运输,维护更新系统定单状态.

follow up the shipment and received the goods in good quality.


follow up the whole process of order execution to ensure timely delivery of qualified products . 5.


Handle customer complaint, including quality problem investigation, corrective action plan follow up.

处理消费者投诉, 包括质量问题调查和改进计划跟进.

follow up daily production progress with related departments; take action to push up the delay batch.

与相关部门合作跟踪每日生产进程, 并采取行动推进延迟批次.

Review reserved tables and names of such; follow up on special arrangements according to standards.

检查预定的桌子情况和客人姓名, 跟进特殊的安排.

You start the work, and I'll follow up.

你先开始工作, 我会接着做.

上一个:put through





