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英['ɡrɒtəʊ] 美['ɡrɑːtoʊ]

  • 【名词复数:】grottoes

  1. 洞穴,洞室,岩穴,岩洞
  2. 避暑洞室
  3. 拱形洞
  4. 人工洞室
  5. 做成岩穴的洞室
  1. a small cave (usually with attractive features)

Agrotto is a small cave with interesting or attractively shaped rocks.

e.g. Water trickles through an undergroundgrotto.

1. 石窟:2.0381 石洞stone cavern | 2.0382 石窟grotto | 2.0383 置石stone arrangement, stone layout

Water trickles through an underground grotto.


Luigi took her arm beneath his own, and led her to the door of the grotto.

罗吉挽住她的手臂, 领她到地洞门口,停下来.

Because Dunhuang grotto locates the Gobi area havingatrOcious weather, muras are threatened andtO be very frail.

然而, 由于自然风化的破坏以及重大自然灾害的威胁,这个人类艺术的宝库变得非常脆弱.

We reached a beautiful grotto , whose entrance was almost hiden by the vine.

我们到达了一个美丽的洞穴, 洞的进口几乎被藤蔓遮掩著.

The grotto art on Xumi Mountain and Shikong Mountain are remains of an ancient civilization.


And it was said that unproductive women can get pregnant, after washing in the grotto.

据传达室久未怀孕的妇女沐浴洞中,亦可孕育生命, 洋溢活力.

He smiled, and introduced them instantly into this ' grotto. '

他微微笑了一下, 立刻引她们到 “ 石洞 ” 去.

At last, after renewed hesitation, Dant 'u00e8 s entered the second grotto.

终于, 在略微迟疑了一下以后, 唐太斯进入了第二个洞窟.

The people of hope to visiting grotto come from Africa.


Jing Sichuan is the sister grotto Cave Temple, the importance of the Silk Road grottoes north.

是泾川南石窟寺的姊妹窟, 丝路北道上的重要石窟.

The obliteration of the grotto was not only possible, but relatively easy.

摧毁山洞不但可能, 而且易如反掌.

A third name for the 25 th is grotto Day.


The cry proceeded from the grotto.


I swam slowly back to my grotto and slept for the rest of that day.


Melt the ice block by the Shadow Troll's well in the Crystal grotto in.


Franz took the lamp , and entered the subterranean grotto, followed by Gaetano.

弗兰兹拿着火把走进了地下岩洞, 后面跟着盖太诺.

Longshan grottoes Taoism is China's largest grotto, Chuan experts in the world.

龙山石窟是我国最大的道教石窟, 被专家传为世界之最.

Caption A vaulted grotto with a skylight shelters the ruins of cliff dwellings.


They often rest in the grotto in the summer.


He glanced around this second grotto; it was, like the first, empty.

他环视了一下这第二个洞窟, 它象第一个一样, 也是空空的一无所有.

grotto was a quiet world, but the sounds were there, if you knew how to listen.

葛洛托是个寂静的世界, 但你仍然能听到一些自然的只言片语, 只要你知道如何去听.

Cave grotto depth delivered , Tibetan Cina insurance, Qifeng Li rocks ranging from lying to expressive materials.

石洞岩穴深浅有致, 藏奇纳险, 奇峰怪石卧立不等,以物传神.

They also toured the view from a balcony , and visited a grotto the pope often prays.

但是这一次,教宗在室外迎接美国总统, 还和布什一起在梵蒂冈花园里漫步.

Morrel mechanically followed the count, and they had entered the grotto before he perceived it.

莫雷尔机械地跟着伯爵走,不知不觉之中, 他们走进了一个岩洞.

And in a couple years grotto won't need corpses.


You can take away our jobs, perhaps, but you can't throw us off grotto.

你也许可以让我们失业, 但是你没法把我们全赶出葛洛托.

Mural painting of tomb and painting of grotto show us two splendid rainbows from different way.


Water trickles through an underground grotto.







