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英[ɪn'frækʃn] 美[ɪn'frækʃn]

  1. a crime less serious than a felony

1. 违反, 侵害:refraction 折光, 折射 |infraction 违反, 侵害 | monition 忠告, 警告, 告诫书, 传票

2. 违背:infracortical 皮质下的 |infraction 违背 | infrahuman 低于人类的

3. 不全骨折:infracostal 肋骨下的 |infraction 不全骨折 | inframicrobe 病毒

4. 违反:infract 违反 |infraction 违反 | infractor 破坏

minor infractions of EU regulations


Juveniles, like adults, can be charged with a felony a misdemeanor, or an infraction.

青少年和成年人一样, 被指控为重罪 、 行为不端或违反.

At last, it put forward some advice for research direction and method to prevent cerebral infraction.


Objective : To evaluate the effect and economic cost of thrombolytic therapy in acute cerebral infraction patients.

目的: 评价急性脑梗死溶栓治疗与非溶栓治疗的疗效及经济成本.

Motorists committing this infraction are heavily fined.


Method We selected 60 cases of cerebral infraction who were testified by CT or MRI.


Attacked with acute myocardial infraction, the patient was warded for a week in hospital.

病人患急性心肌梗塞后, 在医院里监护了一个星期.

But I'm only a few minutes late each time; that's not a major infraction, is it?

可是我每次也只不过晚几分钟而已啊; 那不算什么重大的违规吧?

Parking at the bus stop is illegal. Motorists committing this infraction are heavily fined.


Class still hasn't started and he is reaching for the pad of infraction slips.


When infraction or perisplenitis occurs, however, pain in the region of the spleen may be intense.

然而, 若发生梗塞或脾周围炎, 则脾区疼痛可加剧.

Therefore, in our case, escape might well be an infraction of military law.

所以, 在我们这种情况下, 逃跑就会违反战争法.

An infraction is the least serious offense and generally is punishable by a fine.


A violation or infraction, as of a law, a legal obligation, or a promise.

破坏,违犯,不履行:破坏或违反一法规 、 法律责任或一誓言.

The question is how much intensity does the specific infraction carry.


Objective Investigate the effects of atrial fibrillation on the cerebral infraction prognosis.


He was criticized for his infraction of the discipline.


  • These and other infractions of rules carry automatic fines.

    出自:A. S. Neill
  • Any infraction of the liberty of such simple people would be a form of assault.

    出自:A. Brookner






