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英['ɪntɜːn] 美['ɪntɜːrn]

  • 【名词:】internship
  • 【过去式:】interned
  • 【过去分词:】interned
  • 【现在分词:】interning
  • 【第三人称单数:】interns

  1. 实习医师,实习医生
  2. 实习生,实习学生,毕业实习生
  3. 实习教师,见习教员
  4. 助理兽医
  5. 住院实习医生
  6. 见习教师、记者等
  7. 被拘留者,拘留犯
  1. 拘留,软禁,拘禁,拘押,扣留,禁闭,关押
  2. 当实习医师,做实习医生
  3. 当见习教师、记者
  4. 作实习生
  1. an advanced student or graduate in medicine gaining supervised practical experience (`houseman' is a British term)

  1. deprive of freedom;

    "During WW II, Japanese were interned in camps in the West"

  2. work as an intern;

    "The young doctor is interning at the Medical Center this year"

The verb is pronounced /ɪn'tɜːn/. The noun is pronounced /'ɪntɜːn/. 动词读作 /ɪn'tɜːn/。名词读作 /'ɪntɜːn/。

If someoneis interned, they are put in prison or in a prison camp for political reasons.

e.g. He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War.

Anintern is an advanced student or a recent graduate, especially in medicine, who is being given practical training under supervision.

1. intern的近义词

1. 实习医生:后来,我了解道,外国医学生包括绝大部分中国医学本科毕业生是可以在美国接受正规临床医生训练的,训练过程包括:实习医生(intern),住院医生(resident) 和专科医生(fellow) 训练.

2. intern

2. 实习医师:在见习结束后即进入实习医师(intern)的阶段,目前由於各医院普遍缺乏住院医师,因此多数医学生的最后两年均担任实习医师,实习医师必须轮流派至各科实习,以吸取临床经验;由於不具备执行医疗业务的资格(此阶段尚未考医师执照),

3. 实习教师:有资格去应徵通过的本科考试科目,获聘用后成为正式教师. 可以得到教师福利,并且可以把在教师执照课程的学生身分改为实习教师(intern)身分,同时可抵免实习(Student Teaching)学分.

['u4e0d'u53ef'u6570'u540d'u8bcd]the internment of suspected terrorists


internment camps


a summer intern at a law firm


He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War.


intern: Did you ever have rheumatic or fever as a child?

实习医师: 你小时候得过风湿热或猩红热 吗 ?

The report also revealed that another medical intern was found to be treating patients by himself.


Sara Ball is a science writer intern at the Cornell Chronicle.


I worked as an intern in that firm last summer.


I spent two summers as an intern in the macro group of the CBO.


College degree or above, students with intern experience is acceptable as well.

大专以上学历, 在校学生有实习经验者亦可.

In the US and continental Europe, by contrast, the tradition of the intern is well established.

与此截然不同的是, 在美国和欧洲大陆, 实习的传统由来已久.

He's working with me during the summer months as an intern.


Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, January 17, by wire ( reporter Jianchang Su and intern Suhong Ge )

新华社天津一月十七日电 ( 记者栗建昌实习生葛素红 )

I asked the second intern if he would like to try to intubate the patient.


Thus I got the award of Excellent intern with Beijing Library.


To meet people in your field, consider taking on a volunteer or intern position.

要想在你欲求职的领域结交人, 你可以考虑下无偿工作或是实习职位.

We are trying to follow some general intern atonal practice.


They know the former intern was killed.


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 5, by wire ( intern Renjie Xu )

新华社北京一月五日电 ( 实习生徐仁杰 )

The second intern was having trouble with the intubation.


No rhythm yet. The first intern stepped back to the bed and continued CPR.

还没有心跳. 第一个实习医生回到床上继续复苏.

The drug was detected in decomposedthe intern was arrested of first degree murder.


That is why I am having the intern do my grunt work.


The first intern stepped back to the bed and continued CPR.


I worked as an intern at that company last summer.


After that, she an intern for the American Physics Society.

毕业后, 她进入美国物理学会进行科学写作的实习.

The quality of clinical medicine practice has direct effect on the training quality of intern.


intern: Yes, it was, and it felt strong. The color in his hands was equal.

实习医师: 是的, 存在, 感觉脉搏有力. 两手的颜色一样.

intern: Can you feel this when I put it in your hand?

实习医师: 我把这东西放在你手里,能感觉到 吗 ?

Hello. Are you the new intern Jia?

你好. 你就是新来的实习生韩佳?

  • At the outbreak of war, they were in France where Franz was interned as an enemy alien.

    出自:S. Spender
  • When they caught me peddling I was interned for six months in a work camp.

    出自:B. Malamud

上一个:international sea





