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当前位置:首页 单词大全 louse


英[laʊs] 美[laʊs]

  • 【过去式:】loused
  • 【过去分词:】loused
  • 【现在分词:】lousing
  • 【第三人称单数:】louses

  1. wingless usually flattened bloodsucking insect parasitic on warm-blooded animals

  2. a person who has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect

  3. any of several small insects especially aphids that feed by sucking the juices from plants

  4. wingless insect with mouth parts adapted for biting; mostly parasitic on birds

Lice are small insects that live on the bodies of people or animals and bite them in order to feed off their blood.


1. 虱:第九节虱 虱(louse)属虱目(Anoplura),是鸟类和哺乳动物的体外永久性寄生虫. 它的发育各期都不离开宿主. 寄生于人体的虱有两种,即人虱(Pediculus humanus)和耻阴虱(Pthirus pubis). 一般认为人虱又分为两个亚种,即人头虱(P. h.

2. 蝨子 -- 驳丝:dog 狗 -- 闹海 |louse 蝨子 -- 驳丝 | tree 樹 -- 矛得

3. 虱子, 白虱:flea 跳蚤 |louse 虱子, 白虱 | spider 蜘蛛

head lice


The carpenter up the joints of the table which had become louse.


March turned out to be a louse, and his wife of two weeks left him.

马奇是个讨厌的人, 他妻子跟他过了两星期就和他分手了.

After all I'm a man, not a louse.

毕竟我还是一个人, 不是一个虱子.

A mouse and a louse are living in the house.


W : The virus came to the tulip from a louse living on peaches and potatoes.


Only humans carry this particular species of louse, which lays its eggs in clothing.


Anyway, I belonged to another hierarchy. They wouldn't even share louse with the likes of me.

总之我是属于另一阶层的, 他们甚至不愿同我这种人分享一只虱子.

The bloodsucking louse also transmits various commutable diseases such as endemic typhus, trench fever relapsing fever.

虱吸血还可传播各种流行病,体虱被认为是传播流行性斑疹伤寒 、 回归热和战壕热的主要媒介.

And then, you accept another loneliness who always louse around in the high.

于是, 你接纳了另一个寂寞,一个高处游荡的寂寞.

Neem, olive oil, tea tree oil etc, which can be used for treating louse.

印楝, 橄榄油, 茶树油等, 可用于治疗头虱.

Dick, s weak guinea pig kicked Mike's quick louse.


Always she feared lest some louse had escaped her.


This louse devastated European vineyards between 1860 and 1880 and its descendants are now ravaging Californian grape vines.


A parasitic louse ( Pediculus humanus corporis ) that infests the body and clothes of human beings.

一种寄生的昆虫 ( 体虱虱属 ),寄生在人的身体或衣服上.

The louse is a lousing , and so on.

虱子就是虱子, 等等.

You're not sentimental, you're just a louse.

你不是感性, 只是卑鄙的家伙.

  • Sleep impossiblesmosquitoes! lice!!

    出自:M. Kingsley






