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英[ˌaʊt'spred] 美[ˌaʊt'spred]

  • 【过去式:】outspread
  • 【过去分词:】outspread
  • 【现在分词:】outspreading
  • 【第三人称单数:】outspreads

  1. (使)扩张
  2. (使)展开
  3. 伸开
  4. 传播
  5. 散布
  6. 伸展
  1. 展开的
  2. 扩张的
  3. 伸开的
  4. 舒展的
  5. 延伸的
  6. 铺开的
  7. 传开的
  1. 伸开
  2. 展开
  3. 扩张
  4. 扩展
  1. fully extended in width;

    "outspread wings"
    "with arms spread wide"

The bird soared high, with outspread wings.


The concept of this village, undertake to village by original administrative village outspread.

这个村的概念, 由原来的行政村向自然村进行延伸.

In interviewing, two companies show, develop those who hold to oneself pattern, continue outspread development.

采访中, 两家公司都表示, 将坚持自己的发展模式, 继续扩张发展.

Seminal minimum, seed coat sometimes outspread the accessary system that becomes one end state.

种子极小, 种皮有时延伸成一尾状的附属体.

Finally, medium enterprise wants outspread value chain.

最后, 传媒企业要延伸价值链条.

This outspread of power brought new problems.


In addition, bile duct antrum but outspread.

此外, 胆管腔可扩张.

Company of a few food is thinking of Sichuan in danger change, seek new outspread way.

四川一些食品企业正在危中思变, 寻求新的扩张之路.

While the amount is outspread, rise character with the quantity rise not to match.

在数量扩张的同时, 质的提高与量的提高不匹配.

She is painting an angel with outspread wings.


The power that airline buys a plane to heat up is for outspread market.


And he sat there, gentle and reflective, his great workman hands resting on outspread thighs.

于是他坐在那里, 和蔼、深沉, 一双劳动者的大手搭在伸开的大腿上.

She ran towards him with, outspread ` arms '/ with, arms out'spread.


Bantam Lyons doubted an instant, leering: then thrust the outspread sheets back on Mr Bloom's arms.

班塔姆·莱昂斯迟疑了片刻, 斜睨着,随后把摊开的报纸塞回布卢姆先生怀里.

The scenes of the future life seemed outspread before Him.


He sat down heavily, his shoulders drooping, his arms falling between his outspread legs.

他颓然坐下, 肩膀耷拉着, 双臂垂在叉开的两腿之间.

The birds fly with wings outspread.


Capital has profitability, suck gender, outspread sex, emulative, speculation, change the major attribute as the gender.

资本具有盈利性 、 吸呐性 、 扩张性 、 竞争性 、 投机性 、 转化性等基本属性.

Improve means method ceaselessly, accomplish 4 hard outspread, 4 are paid attention to.

不断改进方式方法, 努力做到四个延伸, 四个注重.

' On Mirror Lake outspread for miles and miles , The lotus lilies in full Blossom teem . '

镜湖 三百里, 菡 萏 发荷花.

Gu Yongqiang: I think this is right previously of policy outspread.

古永锵: 我认为这是对以前政策的延伸.

If a fund can be thrown, arrive inside, make it can fast conformity, outspread.

如果有一个基金能够投入到里面, 使它能够快速整合 、 扩张.

The outspread implementation economy that extensive growth pattern is amount of support factor of production grows.


Moonshiners tipped off about their manhunt about to be outspread.


Macroscopical boom policy is opposite outspread sex of demand pull moving is finite.


He backed away a little, his arms crooked, his fingers outspread.

他稍稍往后退了一点儿, 弯着胳膊, 伸直了手指.

To them, much one shows a chance, actually outspread its commercial value.

对他们来说, 多了一个展现机会, 实际上扩张了它的商业价值.

The bird soared high, with outspread wings.



下一个:swell out




