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pop the ques...
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pop the question

  1. ask (someone) to marry you;

    "he popped the question on Sunday night"
    "she proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months"
    "The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman"

He has been trying for weeks to pluck up the courage to pop the question.


Mary has been waiting months for George to pop the question, but up to now he hasn't.

玛丽等着乔治来向她求婚,一直等了几个月, 但直到现在他还没开口.

She waited for years for him to pop the question.


I've been waiting three years for him to pop the question.


A man is often too bashful to pop the question.


I don't know if I'm ready to pop the question.


When do you think he will pop the question?

你认为他何时会求婚 呢 ?

He was ready to pop the question.


Did you ever pop the question to her.


She waited for years for him to pop the question . Finally she popped the question.

她等他向她求婚等了很多年. 最终她提出了结婚的请求.

How did he pop the question? Did he get down on one knee?

他怎么向你求婚? 他有单膝跪下 吗 ?

I want to marry betty, but I can't the nerve to pop the question.

我很想与贝蒂结婚, 但是,我怎么也鼓不起勇气去求婚啊.


下一个:declare oneself




