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pour out详情
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pour out

英[pɔːaʊt] 美[pɔːraʊt]

  • 倾吐,讲出
  1. express without restraint;

    "The woman poured out her frustrations as the judge listened"

  2. pour out;

    "the sommelier decanted the wines"

  3. be disgorged;

    "The crowds spilled out into the streets"

  4. pour out;

    "effused brine"

1. 涌出:737.pour in蜂拥而来 | 738.pourout 涌出 | 739. in practice在实践中,实际上,

2. 倾诉,流出:pour into使不断地涌入 |pourout倾诉,流出 | press on重重地压在...上;加紧进行

3. 倾注:8.speed up... 加速 | 9.pourout... 倾注 | 10.instead of... 代替,而不是......


4. 诉说:pourout vials of one's wrath on 向......报仇 |pourout 诉说 |pour 灌注

We listened to him pour out his troubles.


You do the honors and pour out the tea while I bring in the cakes.


The fabulous statistics continued to pour out of the telescreen.


I'm going to pour out the tea for the guests.


You do the honors and pour out the tea.


Laboring muscles burn oxygen rapidly and pour out waste carbon dioxide.


pour out the water left in the bucket.


Dino would pour out some natural filial feeling.


Shall I pour ( out ) ( the tea )?

我来倒 ( 茶 ) 好 吗 ?

He did not know what had made him pour out this stream of rubbish.


She simply had to speak to him, to pour out her troubles, to seek his help.

她必须跟觉慧谈一次话,把她的痛苦告诉他, 看他有什么意见.无论如何她必须同他商量.

A very little encouragement would set her to talk and pour out all within her.


Now that bosom friends meet , ho , I pour out my emotions.

既知音之邂逅兮遂倾余之衷怀 ﹒.

Leave it to cool, then pour out the liquid to drink.

冷却后, 倒出服用.

Their gratitude will pour out in open expressions of affection for you.


上一个:burst forth

下一个:go bang




