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burst forth详...
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burst forth

  • 突然出现
  1. jump out from a hiding place and surprise (someone);

    "The attackers leapt out from the bushes"

  2. be unleashed; emerge with violence or noise;

    "His anger exploded"

  3. come into or as if into flower;

    "These manifestations effloresced in the past"

Then the people burst forth into a shout of triumph.


The cherry blossoms burst forth in all their beauty.


Soon, from a score of the great windows, flames burst forth.

不久, 火焰就从那些大窗子里喷出来.

The scalding water burst forth from his eyes.


Shouts burst forth from all sides.


The enthusiasm of the people now burst forth.


A great epidemic burst forth.


At last, as the clouds parted, the moon burst forth in the purple opening of heaven.

最后, 云散开了, 一轮明月倏地从紫色的天空隙缝中显现.

Did he have an idea of the wild passion which burst forth from despair and misery?

他理解人们因绝望和苦难而爆发出的狂热盛情 吗 ?

Beads of perspiration once more burst forth on his pale face and hands.


The banks of the reservoir gave away, the water burst forth.

水库的堤岸坍塌了, 水倾泻而出.

Their coloured light burst forth and seemed to connect all worlds.


A cry of horror burst forth from the crowd.


He leaves have burst forth in a riot of green.


She surveyed him with a glance of awe and horror , then burst forth anew.

她用惊恐的眼光盯着他, 接着又哭了起来.

上一个:essence of war

下一个:pour out




