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push button详...
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push button

  • 【异体字:】pushbutton

  • 电钮,开关
  • 按按钮
  • 按钮
  1. an electrical switch operated by pressing;

    "the elevator was operated by push buttons"
    "the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk"

It combines modern push - button technology with a rotary - style dial plate.

古 式 旋转拨盘与现代按钮相结合.

We would like to upgrade our telephone service to push - button telephones.


Button control is used to display a push button.


Some controls have visible labels, as push button and Option Button.

某些控件有标签, 如按钮和选项按钮.

Equipped with or operated by a push button.


To open door in Emergency, push button.

紧急时要开门, 按此钮.

Push - button control cabinet: a more humankind operation.

按键式控制箱: 操作更人性化.

Normal regulations control: Separation push button, measuring appliance.

常规控制:分 立按纽 、 仪表.

Using relay control circuit, push button operation panel.

拔取继电器把持电路, 按钮式不不安纵背板.

Easy adjustment of stitck length by push button.


There is many control ways for selection such as : control cabinet push - button box, photoelectricity and gasbag.

控制系统:有多种控制方式可供选择: 控制柜、按钮盒 、 光电、气囊.

Rear part switch link guarantees the silica gel push - button switch ( night light silica gel hat ).

尾部开关:环保硅胶按钮开关 ( 夜光硅胶帽 ).

What color phone would you like, and would you like a dial type or push - button?

您要什麽颜色的话机, 还有您要拨号式的或按键式的?

Extra - large press head , rectangular in shape , color code push - button switches, easy to operate.

◎夹烫部位特大, 颜色代码按钮, 使用方便.

When pressing down the push button, it will make pleasing sound to confirm the operational success.

当按钮被按下后, 会发出悦耳声响,确认操作成功. (选配功能)


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