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英[rɪ'spektɪŋ] 美[rɪ'spektɪŋ]

  1. 关于⋯
  2. 在⋯方面
  3. 有鉴于
  4. 由于
  5. 至于⋯
  6. 关系到⋯
  7. 说到⋯
  1. 令人尊敬的
  1. 动词respect的现在分词形式
动词 respect:
  1. regard highly; think much of

  2. show respect towards

information respecting the child's whereabouts


Parents love their kids instinctively, respecting our parents is . and above isthat will not be able.

父母没有要求我们回报,他们唯一的心愿就是我们好好做人,好好学习,我们进步了,父母就开心, 我们成功了,父母就幸福.

respecting the fact that the accused was a minor, the charges were dropped.

鉴于被告尚未成年这一事实, 免于起诉.

The secret in education lies in respecting the student.


respecting website is popularized, have very kind way, a lot ofof means an alternative.

说到网站推广, 有很种途径, 很多种方式可供选择.

Your relationship with your neighbours depends among other things, on respecting one another's privacy.

您的与您的邻居的关系取决于,尤其, 尊敬彼此的保密性.

Tolerance consists in respecting the opinions of others.


Help your manager thrive by researching, knowing, and respecting her boss's needs.

帮助你的经理发达,研究 、 了解和重视她老板的需求.

The Chinese government attaches great importance to respecting and protecting human rights.


It's easy to admire Norwegians for their unique way of respecting the nature!


Additionally, it points out the importance of respecting the beliefs of others.

其次, 它说明了相互尊重对方信仰的重要性.

Its ideological origins are democratism and the doctrine of respecting human rights.


The graceful father is worth me respecting with the arrogant person, forever is.

帅老爸是值得我尊敬和骄傲的人, 永远都是.

Interactions during buna involve greetings, honoring , respecting the elders, praying, sharing stories, and sustenance.

布那上的互动牵涉到问候 、 荣幸 、 尊敬长者 、 祈祷 、 分享故事, 以及食物.

respecting other's viewpoint is a scientism too.


respecting international speculative capital, I must illuminate the definition of speculation.

说到国际投机资本, 不能不对投机的定义做一个详细的阐释.

respecting your students, guiding them, and being their good friend are all that teachers should do.

尊重学生, 引导学生, 并做他们的良师益友是老师应该做的.

For, much might be given respecting that ye have that ye call the Bible.


The Chinese people have the tradition of respecting the old and loving the young.


He pressed me profound in his respecting and loving to his mother.


An argument arose respecting the date and place.

(关于日期和地点,起了争论. )

information respecting the child's whereabouts


He said anyone giving orders without respecting the wishes of his people is heading for disaster.


上一个:intended for

下一个:in favour of




