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screw up

英['skruːˌʌp] 美['skrʊˌʌp]

  1. make more intense;

    "Emotions were screwed up"

  2. make a mess of, destroy or ruin;

    "I botched the dinner and we had to eat out"
    "the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement"

  3. screw or turn higher

  4. twist into a strained configuration;

    "screw up one's face"

If youscrew up your eyes or your face, you tighten your eye or face muscles, for example because you are in pain or because the light is too bright.

e.g. She had screwedup her eyes, as if she found the sunshine too bright...
e.g. Close your eyes andscrew themup tight...

If youscrew up a piece of paper, you squeeze it tightly so that it becomes very creased and no longer flat, usually when you are throwing it away.

e.g. He would start writing to his family and wouldscrew the letterup in frustration...
e.g. He screwedup his first three efforts after only a line or two.
前 3 次他只写了一两行就把纸揉成了一团。

in AM, use 美国英语用 crush

Toscrew somethingup, or toscrew up, means to cause something to fail or be spoiled.

e.g. You can't open the window because it screwsup the air conditioning...
e.g. Get out. Haven't you screwed thingsup enough already!...

1. 搞糟,搞砸:17.whoever this is..tell bill kim that he justscrewedup..big time.不管你是谁,告诉bill kim他这次搞砸了...砸大了 |screwup=搞糟,搞砸 | big time=[俚语]十分,极度;欢乐时刻

2. screw up的解释

2. 抬升辊缝:Screw down 压下 |Screwup 抬升辊缝 | Edger 立辊轧机,轧边机

3. 搞糟:10. intend vt.想要;打算 | 11.screwup 搞糟 | 12. proceed vi.继续进行;继续下去

4. 拧上:screw type 螺旋式的 |screwup 拧上 |screw wrench 螺钉板手

She had screwed up her eyes, as if she found the sunshine too bright...


Close your eyes and screw them up tight...


He would start writing to his family and would screw the letter up in frustration...


He screwed up his first three efforts after only a line or two.

前 3 次他只写了一两行就把纸揉成了一团。

You can't open the window because it screws up the air conditioning...


Get out. Haven't you screwed things up enough already!...


When you screw up, he's not going to ask you how you feel about it.

当你把事情搞砸了, 他不会问你感觉如何.

It took all four groups to screw up the health care system.


The harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes.


No one sets out to screw up their life!


The handle has become loose , so screw up it, please.

把手松了, 请用螺丝拧紧.

They always screw up the traffic on this street. You should have taken Bay Street.

这些该死的观光客不会开车,他们老是搞乱这街上的交通, 你刚刚应该走海湾街.

In real life: Here's when to build forgiveness: long before you screw up.

现实生活中: 什么时候请求原谅: 在你将事情搞得一团糟以前.

Will the world stop turning if you screw up?

你会把事情办砸,世界就会因此停止运转 吗 ?

We can do a good job but it can also screw up.


Can you screw up this handle for me?

你能帮我把这个把手拧紧 吗 ?

How could I screw up a simple bleeding time test?


Anything that can screw up will!


Apologize when you screw up and focus on other people , not on yourself.


I guess we only learn if we screw up from time to time.


Kids always screw up when they don't listen to their father!


When cleaning, open liquid receiver, add clean water, and screw up bung.

进行清洗作业时, 打开贮液桶, 加入清洁水, 拧紧桶盖.

It might somehow screw up his next project.


You can't leave ! Well , that'll screw up everything.







