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英['skrəʊtəm] 美['skroʊtəm]

  • 【形容词:】scrotal
  • 【名词复数:】scrota

  1. the external pouch that contains the testes

Sometimes the testis fails to enter the scrotum.


This tube leads from the scrotum into the abdomen.


However, before the birth of a baby boy they normally descend into his scrotum.

然而, 男婴在诞生之前,它们通常要下降进入其阴囊.

No epithelial cells were found. hence . a cytological diagnosis idiopathic calcinosis of the scrotum was suggested.

因未发现上皮细胞. 因此建议对阴囊自发性钙沈淀症进行细胞性诊断.

Leaves: prevents epidemic influenza, epidemic meningitis, influenza, enteritis , eczema of the scrotum.

叶: 预防流行性感冒, 流行性脑脊髓膜炎, 感冒, 肠炎; 外用治阴囊湿疹.

How is scrotum to return a responsibility greatly? Normal?

阴囊大是怎么回事? 正常 吗 ?

The male body has a penis and a scrotum.


In male fetuses , the testicles normally descend into the scrotum in last months before birth.


Sometimes the testis fails to enter the scrotum.


The male gonads , the testes, lie outside the abdomen within the scrotum.

公畜的生殖腺 -- 睾丸, 位于腹壁内的阴囊内.

Seventy six cases had assosiated anomalies , consisting mainly of cryptorchidism , hernia , bifid scrotum, and intersex.

在186位患者中,有13位患者的兄弟, 亦有尿道下裂的情形, 亦即家族发生率约6.9%.

Varicoceles is a condition like varicose where the blood vessels the scrotum become tangled and swollen.


Note Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


The male gonads , the testis, lie outside the abdomen within the scrotum.

公畜的生殖腺 -- 睾丸, 位于腹壁外的阴囊内.

He has had painless swelling in his scrotum.


Conclusion: Testicular torsion should be considered in the younger patients with acute scrotum pain.

结论: 对青少年突发的阴囊疼痛应考虑到本病的可能.

After puberty, the first signs of testis and scrotum is increased.

进入青春期以后, 第一个体征是睾丸和阴囊增大.

Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


When a man becomes sexually aroused, the blood flow to the penis and scrotum dramatically increases.

男人感到性冲动的时候, 流向阴茎和阴囊的血液量会大幅度增加.

NB: Male animals must have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

注: 公犬必须有两个明显正常且完全置于阴囊的睾丸.

Thethe testes, lie outside the abdomen within the scrotum.

睾丸, 位于腹壁外的阴囊内.

A developmental defect marked by the failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum.

隐''.'睾'.''病一种''.'睾'. ''丸未能缩回阴囊内的发育缺陷.

Objective : To evaluate the treatment of idiopathic gangrenosis of scrotum.







