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英['semɪnl] 美['semɪnl]

  • adj.精液的;种子的;生殖的;创新的;影响深远的
  • 【副词:】seminally

  1. 精液的
  2. 种子的
  3. 生殖的
  4. 再生的
  5. 有发展性的
  6. 潜在的
  7. 有重大意义的
  8. 影响深远的
  9. 含精液的
  10. 【生】胚种的
  11. 繁殖的
  12. 生产(性)的
  13. 有力的
  14. 含蓄的
  15. 胚胎的
  16. 萌芽状态的
  17. 待发育的
  18. 对以后发展有巨大影响的
  19. 能导致大发展的
  1. pertaining to or containing or consisting of semen;

    "seminal fluid"

  2. containing seeds of later development;

    "seminal ideas of one discipline can influence the growth of another"

seminal is used to describe things such as books, works, events, and experiences that have a great influence in a particular field.

e.g. ...author of theseminal book 'Animal Liberation'...
e.g. The reforms have been aseminal event in the history of the NHS.

1. 种子的:semina 胚种 |seminal 种子的 | seminar 研讨会

2. 精液的:semilunar valve 半月瓣 |seminal 精液的 |seminal hillock 精阜

3. seminal

3. 有创意大:scion幼芽n子孙 |seminal有创意大, | semin 种子的

a seminal work'/article'/study

有巨大影响的著作 / 文章 / 研究

seminal fluid


...author of the seminal book 'Animal Liberation'...


The reforms have been a seminal event in the history of the NHS.


The atypia is degenerative and not observed in the seminal vesicles of young men.


Standardizing metric system to plant is the important step that assures seminal quality.


seminal control stand is one of seminal project system important segment.


seminal minimum, seed coat sometimes outspread the accessary system that becomes one end state.

种子极小, 种皮有时延伸成一尾状的附属体.

Objective To obtain the human seminal plasma immunosuppressive factor ( SPIF ) from human seminal.

目的从人精浆中分离提取精浆免疫抑制因子 ( SPIF ).

Below interest drive, seminal management domain appears certain abnormal phenomenon.

在利益驱动下, 种子经营领域出现某些不正常的现象.

seminal majority, compressed, have translucent film qualitative wing.

种子多数, 扁平, 有半透明膜质翅.

Or brush seminal fluid with not quite clean paper, meeting?

或用不太干净的纸擦精液, 会 吗 ?

Objective : To study the etiopathogenisis and management of seminal vesicle enlargement.

目的: 了解精囊扩张的病因及处理方法.

Conclusion: seminal carnitine concentration may be an appropriate marker of sperm and epididymal function.

结论: 精液中肉碱浓度可能可以作为一个指标用于检测精子和附睾功能.

It is bought seminal itself it is false seed of cotton that combat insect.


Conclusion Measurement of ADCs may be used to characterize seminal vesicle lesions.


Patriarchy is a seminal concept in feminist studies and has different implications and ethnicity.


The extensive reading list draws on the seminal works in the field.


Abstract: Objectives: To observe the & nbsp ; morphological change of the seminal duct in chronic prostatitis.

文摘: 目的: 了解慢性前列腺炎患者精道的 形态学 变化.

His seminal research in genetics revolutionized the treatment of cancer.


Objectives : To observe the morphological change of seminal duct in chronic prostatitis.

目的: 了解慢性前列腺炎患者精道的形态学变化.

Transrectal ultrasonography ( TRUS ) has been used in detection of seminal vesicle pathology recently.

近来经 直肠 超音波检查已渐被应用于侦测储精囊的病变.

The testis sacs communicate with the seminal vesicles.


seminal fluid shows yellow and have solid body! What symptom is this?

精液呈黄色而且有固体! 这是什么症状?

With sow or cuttage law is progenitive, seminal life is brief, after collecting, sow namely.

用播种或扦插法繁殖, 种子寿命短, 采后即播.

Didn't seminal fluid shoot the vagina to you can be brought about be pregnant?


Methods: Transcectal ultrasound were studied in 110 seminal vesicles of 60 cases and ultrasonographys were obtained.

方法: 对60例共110个精囊腺病变进行经直肠超声探查并获得其声像图.

seminal ideas of one discipline can influence the growth of another.


Objectives: To observe the? morphological change of the seminal duct in chronic prostatitis.

了解慢性前列腺炎患者精道的 形态学 变化.

  • 'Silent Spring' was the seminal text of the modern enviromental movement.







