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当前位置:首页 单词大全 shelve


英[ʃelv] 美[ʃelv]

  • 【名词:】shelver
  • 【过去式:】shelved
  • 【过去分词:】shelved
  • 【现在分词:】shelving
  • 【第三人称单数:】shelves

  1. 搁置(计划) ,停止(计划),推延
  2. 解雇,罢免,使退役
  3. 成斜坡,渐渐倾斜
  4. 暂缓考虑
  5. 装搁板于,装搁架于,把...放在搁板上,把…放在架子上
  1. 架子
  1. hold back to a later time;

    "let's postpone the exam"

  2. place on a shelf;

    "shelve books"

If someoneshelves a plan or project, they decide not to continue with it, either for a while or permanently.

e.g. Atlanta has shelved plans to include golf in the 1996 Games...
亚特兰大已搁置了将高尔夫球纳入 1996 年奥运会的计划。
e.g. Sadly, the project has now been shelved.

If an area of ground next to or under the seashelves, it slopes downwards.

e.g. The shoreline shelves away steeply.
e.g. ...a gently shelving beach.

3.(shelf 的复数)
shelves is the plural ofshelf .

1. shelve的反义词

1. 搁置:墙边斜靠着一个长矛(shaft),还有一个笨重的盾牌(shield),床上还仍着一条破烂(shabby)的披肩(shawl),窗旁一个架子(shelf),上搁置(shelve)着一个瓶,可是里面的一束(sheaf)花早就凋谢(sere/shrivel)拉.这到底是什么地方,

2. shelve的近义词

2. 渐次倾斜:sheltered waters 遮蔽水域 |shelve 渐次倾斜 |shelves and shoals 暗礁与浅滩

3. 动词 [搁下]:他把小偷按倒在地. : He pushed the thief to the ground. | 3. 动词 [搁下]shelve | 按下此事不说 : put the matter aside

4. (书柜等的)架子;搁板:rung 椅脚横木 |shelve (书柜等的)架子;搁板 | slip cover 沙发套

People shelve the out - of - fashion moral icon and espouse the philosophy of egoism.


After a sneak preview of the film they decided to shelve it.


At this point, the chald cliffs shelve down to the beach.

在这里, 白垩质的峭壁渐渐向海滩倾斜.

The project became so complex that we had to shelve it.


On using diesel oil, put the transfer switch 2 K to shelve.

5当使用轻油时, 将转换开关2K扳到轻油档.

On using oil, put the transfer switch 2 K to oil shelve.

当使用重油时, 将转换开关2K扳到重油档.

The company decided to shelve my project.


Then, we will show you how to shelve the books readcall numbers according to the System.

那麽, 我们会告诉你怎样以国会图书馆分类法,按书号排书.

Responsible for the ordinary maintenance work, including water, electricity, other facilities such as the shelve.

负责全店的日常维修工作, 包括水, 电, 货架等其它设施维护.

Since he was going abroad to study , he had to shelve his marriage plans.

我们必须搁置我们假期计画, 因为我刚刚失业了.

They may shelve the difficulties for a while, but they can put them by indefinitely.

他们可以暂时不考虑这些困难, 但要永远回避是不可能的.

I shelve books in the library, sometimes it gets monotonous, but the pay is not bad.

我在图书馆把书整理上架, 有时候,这个工作很无聊, 但是薪水还不错.

  • Mountains shelving down..to the edge of the desert.

    出自:J. Rule
  • One whole long wall was shelved.

    出自:L. I. Wilder

上一个:write off





