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special case...
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special case

  • 特殊情况

Today is a special case. I won't do it again.


Gage pressure is a special case of differential pressure.


A special case of this mechanism is the so - called sieve effect.

这个机理的特殊情况就是 所谓 的筛分效应.

This determinant is a special case of the resultant of two polynomials.


Rolle's theorem is a special case of the mean value theorem.


Discontinuous geographic variation is often set aside as a special case.


In developing equations for maximum shear stresses, the special case will be considered.

在导出最大剪应力表达式时, 将考虑一种特殊情况.

As motivation for the general case, let us consider first the special case of the equation.

暂时撇开一般情况, 我们首先考虑此方程的特殊情况.

The special case discussed here is one in which the amplitude is not a constant.


A hoop is a special case in which all the mass moves at the same speed.


In the special case in which W'is zero, the mechanical energy remains constant or is conserved.

在W ’ 等于零的特殊情况下, 机械能保持不变或称保守.

We will, as a special case , accept D '/ P at sight for this sample order.

对这批定样, 我们接受即期付款交单的方式.

Moreover, PCA is a special case of modular PCA.

此外, pca是 分块pca的特殊情况.

Grand Cross - a special case of a configuration the Big square.

大十字 —— 四分结构中的特例.

Second lost updates problem - A special case of an unrepeatable read.

两次更新问题 - 法重复读取的特例.


下一个:free spirit




