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英['bɑːrɪŋ] 美['bɑːrɪŋ]

  1. the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto

barring accidents, we should arrive on time.


barring accidents, I believe they will succeed.


barring accidents, I'll be there.

除非有意外事故, 我会一定到场的.

Now , barring all that, I mean to say she is a deuced fine girl!


Nobody else knows barring you and me.


barring strong headwinds, the plane will arrive on schedule.

如果不是猛烈的顶头风, 飞机会准点到达的.

barring accidents, we should arrive on time.

倘无意外, 我们应准时到达.

barring catastrophic injury, I don't see Yao's game drop off that much in his 30's.

除非是灾难性的伤病, 我不认为姚在30岁以后状态会下降多少.

To begin barring calls, enter the password provided by your mobile phone service provider.

要限制通话, 请输入移动电话服务提供商提供的密码.

When you are a dump, you are barring the door for God to come.

当你闷闷不乐时, 你就是闩上门,不让神进来.

barring the boss, we all went out for drinks on Friday.

除了老板, 我们星期五都出去喝酒了.

But they regard the contest as effectively over barring some dramatic national security crisis.


barring a sudden, unlikely, uplift in the national mood, Mr Obama's prospects look peachy.

除非全国会突发高涨情绪(几乎不可能), 奥巴马的前景看好.

It works, every time, barring the infrequent occasions when the software's download site is unresponsive.

这很有用, 除非不很常见的情况,比如当该软件的下载站点反应较慢时.

Sorry, the subscriber you dialed has set barring of incoming calls.

对不起, 您拨打的用户已设置呼入限制.

barring rain, we leave tonight.

除非下雨, 我们今晚离开.

Fruit are all plants, and all are sweet , and all have seeds ( barring genetic manipulation )

水果都是植物, 都是 sweet, 而且都有种子.

barring women from competing and halting wars during the Games.


We shall arrive at noon barring accidents.


Chapter Two attempts to analyze Conduct barring Limitation of Shipowners ' Liability under the 1957 Convention. '

第二章—— 1957年 公约体系下海事赔偿责任限制权利丧失条件的分析.

barring rum, his match were never seen.

除了朗姆酒, 谁都不是他的对手.

So, barring any unexpected problems, her chances for confirmation seem strong.

所以, 如果没有意外, 她获得确认的机会很大.

In 1060, a strict law was enacted in Mt . Athos: barring any female's entrance.

公元1060年, 阿陀斯山颁布了一条严律: 禁止女性入山!

Laws barring foreigners from taking over airlines should go.


It could even happen a little earlier. barring any further delays, that is.

排除任何的进一步的拖延, 也许完成时间会更早一些.

Finish: No.1 in the West, No.2 to Cleveland overall , barring miracles.

完成: 西部第一,全联盟排名第二, 位列骑士之后.

barring accidents, we should arrive on time.


He stepped in front of her, barring her way.


barring accidents, I believe they will succeed.



下一个:special case




