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当前位置:首页 单词大全 squand...


英['skwɒndə(r)] 美['skwɑːndər]

  • 【副词:】squanderingly
  • 【名词:】squanderer
  • 【过去式:】squandered
  • 【过去分词:】squandered
  • 【现在分词:】squandering
  • 【第三人称单数:】squanders

  1. 浪费
  2. 挥霍
  1. 浪费
  2. 挥霍(光)
  3. 使分散
  4. 乱用
  5. 浪荡
  6. 漂泊
  7. 驱散
  8. 乱花
  9. 滥用
  1. spend thoughtlessly; throw away;

    "He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends"
    "You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree"

  2. spend extravagantly;

    "waste not, want not"

If yousquander money, resources, or opportunities, you waste them.

e.g. Hooker didn'tsquander his money on flashy cars or other vices...
e.g. He had squandered his chances to win.

1. 浪费:刚开始的时候,科学家们发现松鼠总是吃掉1/3的松塔(pine cone)而扔掉另外的2/3,很疑惑为什么这些松鼠一方面不停地收集并隐藏那些松塔的同时有如此浪费(squander)?

2. (口袋)是光的--浪费、挥霍:5) Obtuse:我不会吐丝,而别的蚕都吐--笨的、钝角的 | 6)squander:(口袋)是光的--浪费、挥霍 | 8) Lout:老土--笨人

3. squander的反义词

3. 驱散,漂荡,滥用:strap 捆扎 |squander 驱散,漂荡,滥用 | wander 流荡

He squandered all his money on gambling.


Hooker didn't squander his money on flashy cars or other vices...


He had squandered his chances to win.


He squander his time and money in gambling.


Don't squander your affection on him.


Don't squander your time in reading those dime novels.


He said she used to squander the money.


Eugene Kittridge : Lets not squander instance chasing after him, meet attain him become to us.

尤金: 我们别再浪费时间追他了, 让他来找我们.

But I believe that Spain is likely to squander that advantage.


But hopes are dashed as corrupt officials pocket the money or squander it on grandiose projects.


If not considered, car use can overwhelm the community layout and squander planned CO 2 emission savings.

如果不考虑这些, 社区将难以承受过多的车辆,而且浪费计划节省的CO2排放量.

Why has democratic South Africa done so much to squander its once acclaimed moral leadership?

为什么民主的南非会如此挥霍这来之不易的道德领导权 呢 ?

Isn't it foolish to squander all the money on wedding ceremony?

不管你有多少钱,如果乱花到头来也是空空如也.把全部钱花在婚礼上,不是傻了 吗 ?

Negatively, you could periodically gamble or squander your resources in hopeless dreams.

从消极的方面来讲, 你可能会周期性地将你的精力和资源浪费在不可能实现的梦想上.

Although sometimes very gluttonous, but I ain't a person who squander money like dust.

虽然有时很贪嘴, 但是我却不是个挥金如土的人.

You think I would squander her money?


China must be careful not to squander the advantages of this perception.


Then do not squander time, for that the stuff life is made of.

那么别浪费时间, 因为时间是组成生命的材料.

Don't squander your disposable income on a disposable car.


Dost thou love life? then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life made of.

你热爱生命 吗 ?那就不要糟蹋时间, 因为时间就是生命的成分.

Don't squander the gold of your days.


I'll squander all strengths to love you.


Naturally , hardly anyone could afford to squander so much time every day.


You are in fact squander away your love ability if you pay out your love blindly.


Do you believe we squander away precious time every day?

你觉得我们每天都在浪费宝贵的时间 吗 ?

Do you love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of.

你热爱生命 吗 ?那么,别浪费时间, 因为生命是由时间组成的.

Don't blow that chance. Don't squander your best asset, which is yourself . Whenever you write anything.

不要放过这次机会, 不要浪费你最大的财富, 这就是你自己.

Advertisement is the machine of making a fashion, is the machine of making a squander.

广告是制造时尚的机器, 是制造挥霍性消费的机器.

Brothers, let us squander our morning in futile songs.

弟兄们, 让我们把清晨浪费在无用的歌曲上面吧.

  • They considered the time occupied in learning as so much squandered away.

    出自:G. Borrow
  • He had squandered a substantial fortune.

    出自:H. James
  • A thoughtless squandering of his natural gifts.

    出自:M. Holroyd
  • He squandered all the money..on drink.

    出自:M. Lane

上一个:fountain head

下一个:toss out




