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英[tæŋ] 美[tæŋ]

  • n.强烈的味道;特性;柄脚
  • v.装柄脚;使声尖锐
  • 【形容词:】tangy
  • 【名词:】tanginess
  • 【过去式:】tanged
  • 【过去分词:】tanged
  • 【现在分词:】tanging
  • 【第三人称单数:】tangs

  1. 柄脚
  2. 强烈的味道
  3. 特性
  4. 气息
  5. 尖锐部分
  6. 意味
  7. 唐朝(朝代名)
  8. 当的一声
  9. 刺鼻气味
  10. 【植】墨角藻
  11. 响亮而有余音的声音
  12. 强烈的气味
  13. 风味
  14. 特殊的香味
  15. 一种海藻
  16. 刺尾鱼
  1. 给装柄脚
  2. 使铛铛地响
  3. 使鸣响
  4. 使其有…气味
  5. 发出当的一声
  6. 使有浓味
  7. 在上做柄脚
  8. 装刀柄于
  9. 装刀根
  10. 使声尖锐
  1. a tart spicy quality

  2. the imperial dynasty of China from 618 to 907

  3. the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth

  4. a common rockweed used in preparing kelp and as manure

  5. brown algae seaweed with serrated edges

  6. any of various coarse seaweeds

  7. any of various kelps especially of the genus Laminaria

  1. There was a tang of excitement in the air.
  2. She breathed in the crisp, tangy air and realized that it was almost autumn.
  3. Narrow tang knives sometimes have a pommel attached to the handle end of the tang.
  • He smelled a tang to the breeze, part salt and part smoke.

    出自:J. Clavell
  • Cold and creamy with a light citrus tang.

    出自:J. Cox
  • Worcestershire sauce might lure out her old love of spice and tang.

    出自:M. Flanagan
  • Nor is there anything gives such a tang When by these Ropes these Ringers ring.

  • He spoke it with a slight Scotch tang and a softening of the vowels.

    出自:H. Allen
  • Let thy tongue tang arguments of state.

    出自:Twelfth Night,Shakespeare






