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vulnerable area

  • 薄弱部分
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... vulnerable slope 易生危险的斜坡 vulnerable area 易损面积 ; 脆弱区 Vulnerable women 脆弱的女人 ; 容易受伤的女人 ...


vulnerable area薄弱环节 Based on the theory of fuzzy overall merit, it set up the model of distinguishing woodworking machine tool's vulnerable ...


... 朱古力薄脆饼 chocolate wafer 薄弱[易损]部分 vulnerable area 薄弱部分 vulnerable area ...

Yulin city is an important national base of heavy-chemical engineering, and an extremely vulnerable area as well.


It became a bit wider, but at the same time the cupola vulnerable area was almost completely removed. As a result, the total vulnerable area remains the same.


The most vulnerable area of the vertical steel oil tanks being destroyed is the bottom shell, because the variables acting on it are random, reliability analysis can be applied in assessment.


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