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英['wɪtʃkrɑːft] 美['wɪtʃkræft]

  • n.魔法或巫术

  1. 巫术
  2. 魔法
  3. 魅力
  4. 魔力
  5. 妖术
  1. the art of sorcery

The jury learnt a new word, kindoki. It is what the Congolese call witchcraft.

陪审团学会了一个新词汇, 今多吉. 这是刚果人对巫术的叫法.

Objective To study the effect of psychotherapy in mental disorders due to witchcraft.


Or attend a school for wizardry and witchcraft?


From log cabin to White House , my dear, isn't done by witchcraft anymore.

亲爱的,要想成功发达, 决不能靠变魔术,玩把戏.

Do you believe in witchcraft?

你相信巫术 吗 ?

In Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, many people believed in and feared witchcraft.

年, 麻塞诸塞州的沙连, 许多人相信并且害怕邪术.

Voodoo ceremony in general, including acts of witchcraft and sorcery set of related concepts.


Women accused of witchcraft were forced to wear twisted comic masks at their trials.


Some African healers blame illness on witchcraft, which can lead to ostracism of those accused.

一些非洲医士将疾病归咎于巫术, 这可能会导致病人受到其他人的排斥.

In 1951, the laws against witchcraft were repealed in England.

在1951年, 英格兰废除了反对魔法的法律.

witchcraft is now a recognized religion in the United States.


At that time most people believed in sorcery and witchcraft.


Seldom draw upon fiction and witchcraft direct us through economic history.


What is the most basic spirit and trend of Chinese religion? It is witchcraft!


witchcraft blazed forth with unexampled virulence ( Montague Summers )

巫术以无先例的毒性蔓延( 蒙塔古萨默斯 )

Did you use magic and witchcraft?

你使用了魔术和巫术 吗 ?

African belief in witchcraft has also led to horrific murders and mutilations in recent years.


The woman practising witchcraft claimed that she could conjure up the spirits of the dead.


Q: Or attend a school for wizardry and witchcraft?

(或是进入一所巫师和魔法学校? )

In Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, many people believed in and feared witchcraft.

1692年, 麻塞诸塞州的沙连, 许多人相信并且害怕邪术.

Wicca or witchcraft, Paganism, High Magic and other forms of Occultism are not Satanism.

巫术崇拜或魔法 、 异教信仰 、 高级魔术和其它形式的神秘学不是恶魔崇拜.

Usually, illiterate parents, guardians and sometimes neighbors readily accept witchcraft as an explanation for extraordinary events.

通常, 孩子的文盲父母 、 监护人和邻居都很乐意地接受将中了巫术当成是一种对不寻常事件的解释.

New student, welcome to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry!

新同学, 欢迎来到霍格沃茨魔法学校!

Jealousy does more harm than witchcraft.


It is incredible that some people should still believe in witchcraft in this day and age.


He's going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world.


These books are orientational and instructional manuals of witchcraft woven into the format of entertainment.


Thereupon the earth is flooded with crazy desire, preliminary interest, ignorant witchcraft and weird contemporary art.

于是疯狂的欲望 、 低级的趣味 、 蒙昧的巫术还有怪诞的当代艺术充斥大地.

He's interested in witchcraft and the occult.


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