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英['fɜːment] 美['fɜːrment]

  • 【形容词:】fermentable
  • 【名词:】fermentability
  • 【过去式:】fermented
  • 【过去分词:】fermented
  • 【现在分词:】fermenting
  • 【第三人称单数:】ferments

  1. a state of agitation or turbulent change or development;

    "the political ferment produced new leadership"
    "social unrest"

  2. a substance capable of bringing about fermentation

  3. a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol

  1. be in an agitated or excited state;

    "The Middle East is fermenting"
    "Her mind ferments"

  2. work up into agitation or excitement;

    "Islam is fermenting Africa"

  3. cause to undergo fermentation;

    "We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content"
    "The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats"

  4. go sour or spoil;

    "The milk has soured"
    "The wine worked"
    "The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"

The noun is pronounced /'fɜːment/. The verb is pronounced /fə'ment/. 名词读作/'fɜːment/,动词读作 /fə'ment/。

ferment is excitement and trouble caused by change or uncertainty.


e.g. The whole country has been in a state of politicalferment for some months.

If a food, drink, or other natural substanceferments, or if itis fermented, a chemical change takes place in it so that alcohol is produced. This process forms part of the production of alcoholic drinks such as wine and beer.


e.g. The dried grapes are allowed toferment until there is no sugar left and the wine is dry...
e.g. To serve the needs of bakers, manufacturersferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product.

Yeast is essential for the fermentation that produces alcohol.

1. 发酵:.发酵(ferment)工业空气的无菌过滤. 聚四氟乙烯膜(PTFE膜)折叠微孔滤芯是以进口复合膨化聚四氟乙烯微孔滤膜(Polytetrafluoroethylene Memmbrane)为过滤介质,内外导流层、滤芯端盖、壳体及中心杆均采用聚丙烯材质,

2. 酵素:1833年帕耶思( Payen)和珀索兹(Personz)从麦芽提取液中得到1种对热不稳定的物质,它可使淀粉水解为可融性糖,到1835年伯齐利厄斯(Berzelius)提出催化作用的概念,把起催化作用的物质称为酵素(ferment).

3. 酵:折叠滤芯;PP折叠滤芯;聚四氟乙烯...[摘要]...无菌(BACTERIUM)液罐的呼吸器;发酵(ferment)工业空气的无菌过滤. 滤芯;折叠滤芯 发布单位:...[摘要]...无菌(BACTERIUM)液罐的呼吸器;发酵(ferment)工业空气的无菌过滤. 折叠滤芯;聚四氟乙烯 发布...

Fruit juices ferment if they are kept for too long.


(figurative)A blend of emotions fermented inside her.


Red wine is fermented at a higher temperature than white.


The country is in ferment.


The whole country has been in a state of political ferment for some months.


The dried grapes are allowed to ferment until there is no sugar left and the wine is dry...


To serve the needs of bakers, manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product.


More people mean a greater ferment of ideas , more enthusiasm and more energy.


Mix Grain Powder: powder made of soybean lecithin, beer ferment, and wheat germ.

三宝粉: 大豆卵磷脂 、 啤酒酵母粉与小麦胚芽粉.

Squash, dunk, ferment and beat the white materials. Mix the wood mash.

将树皮原料等碾碎, 浸泡, 发酵,打浆,加入树糊调成浆.

Bifidobacteria are nonmotile, anaerobic, and ferment lactose and other sugars to acetic and lactic acids.

双歧杆菌元运动性, 厌氧杆菌, 能发酵乳糖和其它糖产生醋酸和乳酸.

New student organizations are constantly being created, and Chinese undergrads contribute to this ferment.

新的学生组织不断涌现, 中国本科生的参与促成了这一沸沸扬扬的局面.

Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time.


Stirred tank bioreactor is widely used in many biochemical processes as ferment and cell culture.


The wine is beginning to ferment.


In order to develop ferment functional of rumen, researchers focus on the study on microbial ecosystem.

为了充分发挥瘤胃的发酵功能, 研究人员一直致力于瘤胃微生态的研究.

ferment engineering is an important speciality curriculum of microbe engineering, biology pharmacy, biology engineering, biology technology.

摘要发酵工程是微生物工程 、 生物制药 、 生物工程 、 生物技术等专业的重要专业课,课程内容丰富、涉及面宽.

Aspergillus niger was used to ferment wheat bran for producing ferulic acid, inositol and monosaccharides.

本实验对利用黑曲霉发酵麦麸制备阿魏酸 、 肌醇和低聚糖进行了初步研究.

Thus, the 1920 s and the early 1930 s became times of significant doctrinal ferment within the IJA.

因此, 1920年代至1930年代早期,日本帝国军内部,发生了重大的学说混乱.

The sixties were a time of theological ferment.


Let the beans ferment for two weeks.


The paper studied ferment condition of Claviceps paspali to producing ergot alkali.


Stockholm was in a ferment.


Grapes ferment if they are kept too long.


Then he let the soup of identical bugs replicate and ferment.


The whole country was in a state of ferment that year.


The country was in ( a state of ) ferment .

这个国家处于 动荡不安 之中.

Fruit juice ferment if they is keep a long time.


Past crises, Mr James argues, show that this ferment can lead to changes in political power.

詹姆斯先生认为, 过去的危机显示,这种动乱可以导致政权的改变.

  • To make the ferment, cream the yeast and sugar..and whisk in the water.

    出自:J. Grigson
  • It is a good thing to speak of things openly...Then nothing can ferment and fester underneath.

    出自:I. Compton


下一个:shake up




