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hold fast

  • v.紧紧抓住

  • 紧紧抓住
  1. stick to firmly;

    "Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?"

We can only try to hold fast to the age-old values of honesty, decency and concern for others.


hold fast to this rope, and I will pull you up.

抓紧绳子, 我把你拉上来.

Her feet go down to death; Her steps hold fast to Sheol.

5她的脚下入死地; 她的脚步迈向阴间.

hold fast to the bars when you ride a roller coaster.


hold fast when you have it.


Please hold fast and sIt'securely.


hold fast to what is right!


Let love be genuine, hate what is evil hold fast to what is good.

爱人不可虚假, 恶要厌恶,善要亲近.

The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go.


But examine everything carefully ; hold fast to that which is good ( 1 Thess . 5:21 ).

但要凡事察验, 善美的要持守.

Never think that God's delays are denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. patience is genius.

千万不要以为上帝的拖延就是上帝的拒绝. 坚持, 抓紧, 顶住. 耐心就是天才.

No matter how many difficulties remain, I will hold fast till the end.

哪怕有再多的困难, 我也要坚持到底.

The philosophy of life is to know when to hold fast and when to go!


hold fast to life, but not so fast that you cannot let go.

抓住生活, 但不要抓得太紧,以致于无法放弃.

hold fast to dreams for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow.

紧紧抓住梦想,因为一旦梦想离开, 生活就会变成贫瘠荒芜的土地,只有冰雪覆盖.

上一个:adjacent rock

下一个:stick on




